"He damn well knows he deserved that," CJ says plainly like nothing happened.

"Just him standing up for his little sister and I understand that. I don't know if Marcus told you anything but let me assure you that was your one freebie. I know I fucked up and I apologized but I won't let something like that slide. You alone got a freebie because you are her brother." Drake finishes his speech with a serious look on his face and his eyes actually look slightly haunted.

I step towards him and when his eyes meet mine they almost immediately soften and lighten up. I try not to let that really get to me but I know that it does melt my heart a little, knowing that when someone is upset they can look at you and instantly calm down.

"This is over and if anyone else has issues they can take it up with me," I said looking at CJ and Marcus.

"You know the guys are still pissed over it. We were all raised like siblings to each other so it's hard to not want to step up to a guy that obviously needs a kick in the ass for sticking his foot in his mouth." I roll my eyes at Marcus's statement.

"Don't be like that sis, you know that you would be all over a girl for disrespecting one of us," CJ steps in front of me and cradles my face. "We are so important to each other and we would defend each other with every breath that we have."

"I know CJ, it's just. I don't know. I really like him, ok? I understand, I suppose, but you have to also get that it's just me that goes after these hoes. However, against guys who disrespect me it's like a damn football team!" I end up throwing my hands around in the air trying to make my point, something my father says I get from my mother. I've seen her do it so I can't disagree.

"Ok she actually does have a point there CJ." Marcus concedes causing me to nod my head in thanks to him.

"Ok, ok I get it but this shit just got way too damn heavy and I really wanna have fun this weekend before I have to be all adult and serious Monday," CJ says scrunching his nose up in disgust. I can't help but laugh at the look on his face when he thinks about being a grown up. Don't get me wrong, he is the oldest out of all us including all my cousins but it's just so nice that he can be immature.

"Hell yeah!" I grab Drake's hand with a wink and drag him back over to the guys. I’m so glad that’s over.

They obviously haven't missed us since the beer pong tables are all still being used. After dropping Drake's hand I walk over to the cooler on the ground that I know the guys brought and pull out two bottles of beer. I pop both of them open before walking over to where Drake is standing laughing at a story one of the boys is telling. I hand him the beer before taking a swig of my own.

"What the shit, how come you didn't get me one too?" Vin whined at me. 

"Shut up squirt and get your own." Marcus said smacking Vin on the back of the head causing all of us to laugh. 

"Shit that hurt." Vin growled rubbing the back of his head furiously while glaring at his brother. He kind of got his mother, Aunt Kathy's, anger issues but he is built just like Uncle Vincent hence him being Vincent Junior aka Vin. All of Kathy and Vincent's boys, 3 of them, are built just like Vincent but Vincent Junior is massive and oddly enough he's the youngest of the three and right about my baby brother's age.

"Get over it, you know she isn't your slave and stop being such a whiny ass." Marcus says with an easy going smirk on his face.

"Marcus, don't push me." By now Vin is starting to get a little red in the face and I know that a brawl is going to break out any second. That's the beauty of hanging with all these boys, they get into a lot of fights.

"Marcus lay off," I cut Marcus off as he opens his mouth to say something else. He snaps it closed and pouts a little at me. "Vin, go get your own beer and stop whining."

Without another word Vin cools off immediately and heads to get a beer with a grin on his face. I roll my eyes at the brothers because they do this all the time. We really don't have serious fights because we really do feel like family instead of a group of tight nit friends.

"Are you like their mother hen?" Drake asks from beside me. 

"Well I would say no but I can say that sometimes yes. You have to understand that we each take our turn being the level headed one. Well not Kevin, but everyone else does for sure." I say causing everyone to laugh because it's so true.

“I don’t know if I’ve met Kevin or not. There are so many of y’all it’s getting a little confusing.” Drake says looking a little confused.

“Ok, let me break this down for you darlin’. Our parents were all kind of cool and oddly ended up really close. For the girls there is; my mom, Kathy, Vivianne, and Nichole. My mom is married to Chris, they have 3 kids; CJ, me, and then the baby of my family Ian. Kathy is married to Uncle Vincent, one of my dad’s best friends, and has 3 boys; Leo, Marcus, and Vincent Jr or you can call him Vin. Leo isn’t around really because he decided to be a little different and move away to go to college. Now we have Vivianne and Uncle Erik, my dad’s other best friend, they have 4 kids; Frederick or Freddy, Kevin, EJ or Erik Junior, and June. Also, Vivianne and Uncle Vincent are brother and sister so it does make all of them real cousins. However, we were raised like one big family so we might as well all be kin.” I say smiling widely as I finish listing my lovely family.

Running a weary hand down his face he takes a big drink before speaking. “Shit that’s a lot. I’m probably not going to remember that all.” I can see the honesty in his eyes and it doesn’t bother. First, he’s a boy and could really careless. Second, it can be a lot to someone who didn’t grow up around here.

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