No need for introduction

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The wind whip throughout the trees surrounding the Masaki shrine,the seemingly endless steps laid behind a very exhausted man.

"So many damn stairs!" (Y/N) grumbled whipping sweat out of his (E/C) eyes.

It has been a year, slaving away at your grueling 9-5 job, saving any extra money you could so you could see Japan. It was all worth it in the end, you randomly chose Okayama as your first stop due to hearing of it's legends of a demon trapped in a cave close to this very shrine.

"Welcome young man, you must be (Y/N), I am Masaki Katsuhito, the caretaker of this shrine," said an old man walking toward you.

"Welcome young man, you must be (Y/N), I am Masaki Katsuhito, the caretaker of this shrine," said an old man walking toward you

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You were shocked, how did you not hear him walk over? Especially wearing wooden sandals on the stone path.

"Yes I'm (Y/N), looks like you got my letter after all huh?"

Katsuhito smiled "Yes it was strange getting mail all the way from America, so you're interested in ledgends aren't you?"

"Yes sir it's always been a hobby of mine, would love to write about it and I was hoping to go inside the cave," you excitedly say to the shrine elder.

Katsuhito rubs his chin in thought, and turns way from you, his grey hair catching the breeze.

"You sound a lot like my grandson, he also wants to go into the cave, if you go now you might be able to catch up with him," he chuckles.

This news shocked you, his grandson was wanting in the cave, and is doing so right now?! You yell a quick thank you and rush down the stone steps, hoping you can catch up with him. The sound of your shoes echo on the steps, you turn onto a dirt path surrounded by bamboo and trees, picking up your speed you see a young man dressed in a blue shirt, that must be him.

"Hey you!" You yell to him, the sound of your voice spooking him.

He turns to look at you "W-who are you?"

You walk up to him, running your hand though your (H/C) hair "My name is (Y/N) I wrote to your grandfather about seeing his shrine and possibly the demon cave,  he said you'd be own here

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You walk up to him, running your hand though your (H/C) hair "My name is (Y/N) I wrote to your grandfather about seeing his shrine and possibly the demon cave, he said you'd be own here."

He seemed to smile a little "Oh so you're the american, my name is Masaki Tenchi, don't tell my grandfather this but..."

Tenchi reached into his shirt and pulled out a ring of keys and jingled them "I swiped his keys and just about to open the gate in the cave," he let out a laugh.

He motions for you to follow him, as the two of you enter the cave you notice an extremely rusty gate with an equally rusted lock and chain, you see him struggle with the lock for a bit.

"Hey uh Tenchi," you push lightly on the gate, the gate screeches as it falls flat.

He blinked, starring into the empty darkness where he gate was.

"Gah I spent weeks looking for these damn keys!" Tenchi face palmed as you let out a laugh.

You look back to the gate"So Tenchi what is down here besides a demon?"

As you both start to walk deeper into the cave, he says that the magic sword that sealed the demon away was said to still be here, a relic from 700 years ago, you couldn't wait to see it.

"Haha there it is (Y/N)!" Tenchi rushes ahead of you.

After a bit of walking you enter a large room like place, stalactite hanges down covered in a rope with an ancient peace of paper eith very faded writing. Beyond that you see Tenchi looking at a small shrine with little doors, he slowly opens it and lo and behold was a sword...or at least the hilt.

"Uh Tenchi, I think ta gotta pull it out, like king Arthur," you chuckle thinking of him as king of England.

"Haha very funny," he grumbled as he yanked on the sword.

It took a few tries but Tenchi ripped the sword from it's resting place,removed it's sheath, only to find a very rusted blade.

You both look at the corroded blade, it was kinda anticlimactic, but the hilt was still great contition.

"It's just a rusted piece of junk, the sword that can cut through stone, give me a break," Tenchi yelled striking a nearby stone, shattering the blade.

You flinch as sone shards fly toward you "Watch it!," you yell covering your face.

The stone split it half "wah!" Tenchi shouts as he backs into you.

The room began to shake, an earthquake?! The stalactite from the middle of the room lowered slightly opening a passage way next to the now cleaved stone.

"Tenchi what did you do?" You ask walking up to the now revealed passage way.

He walks up to you "Hey let's see what's inside."

He squeezed into past the stone i to a dark room, you heard him step into a puddle, bang his head and fall down a slope.

You enter the room carefully and call to him " The pawns always go first."

You follow the sound of him grumbling down the slope and into a chamber. The blocky stones circled the room, a hole emitting an unnatural light laid in the center, at that moment you where in so much awe you didn't realize you started to walk twords it.

"H-hey wait up (Y/N )," Tenchi ran up to catch you.

You both ended up staring into the center "Oh it's just a strange ball of light," Tenchi said.

"Hey Tenchi, I don't want to scare you or anything but I'm pretty sure this is where the demon was entombed," You say, eyes still transfixed on the light.

"How can you tell?" He asked.

You point "because of that," his eyes followed your hand, and there in the hole, in the center of this vast room laid a mummy.

No need for (Y/N) [Male reader x Tenchi Muyo harem]Where stories live. Discover now