Chapter 2

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"Wow," is what he said. Wow? Wow as in I'm a good kisser? I smiled. I didn't get what he meant by wow. I still won't till this day. I will forever question why he said 'wow' even in my grave. In my brain we're all the questions to what he meant by wow. Was I a bad kisser? Do I kiss like a wet dog? What is the meaning of wow?
My head is going crazy. He needs to answer what he means. "Damn, that was... amazing!" He replied. Right now I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest. I need to reply back.

"Yeah, it was cool," I said. Shit. Shit. Did I say the wrong thing? All the things in my head and all I can think of is cool? What a fuck up I am.

We finally parted way and said our goodbyes. But I didn't want to leave him. But I ran home as quickly as I could and ran up to my room. I jumped on top of my bed and started screaming happily.

"HE FUCKING KISSED ME!" I yelled. But I said out loud.

"Cool? Really? That's all I could think of is cool? The fuck?" I contemplated on my reply to him.

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