"Well, those paradise lost kids went to death row, because they wore Black and listened to Metallica, I dont wanna be a scapegoat", Jughead said.

"We're not gonna let that happen to you Jug, I have your back, we have your back, all the so called evidence they have on you Jug, its just circumstantial, we're gonna get you out of here, you just need to hang in there", I said and Jughead gave me a nod.

"Did you get a hold of my dad Peter?, Jughead asked as he sniffed because of the tears, this is not the face of a killer, I have faces some in New York and Jughead Jones is not a killer.

"I did, but he isn't here yet, no one knows where he is then, but I told Archie to call his dad, so Archie is here with him right now", I said.

Jughead shook his head, but glad Fred Andrews atleast is here, I left the room to let Jughead and Betty have a moment for them self, as I closed the door, I saw the two share a quick kiss.

I walked out and saw sheriff Keller talking to Fred, "Jughead isn't helping himself, i'm asking him for an alibi and he just gives me lip", sheriff Keller said.

"He was working for me, yeah the week of july 11th was it?, yeah, I had him tearing out some drywall for me", Fred said, Archie is looking at his dad confused, oh my god Fred is lying for Jughead, probably because he's FP's son, hope this won't bite them.

"You can provide me with documentation to support that?", sheriff Keller asked.

"I'd have to check my time cards", Fred said, sheriff Keller looked at me and Archie and we both Justes nodded our heads, why I did that no idea, I was not even in the town july 11th.

Soon Jughead was free to leave and we all went outside the police station, and surprise surprise FP Jones decided to show up to late.

"Jughead, sorry, I came as soon as I could, stupid truck broke down, had to get it fixed before I could come here, the freaking battery busted down, so what the hell happend", FP asked.

"Nothing, its all fine now, they sorted it out", Jughead said.

"What shit did they accuse you of in there, huh?, those bastard trying to throw you in jail, like your old man, Well screw that, i'm gonna rip Keller a new one" FP said as he pointed his finger around.

"Enough FP", I said and walked forward, "you need to calm down everything is okay now, Jughead isn't going to jail", I said.

"Peters right you need to calm down", Fred said, as he tried to block Fp from going into the police station for Keller.

"Hey, he's my sone Fred, I will protect him", Fp said.

"Dad, dont make this worse", Jughead said as he grapped his dad.

"Jugheads right Fp, if you go in there, you will make this mess worse than it already is, just take a breather", I said, Fp looked at me and started to calm down alittle.

"Alright then, you're coming home with me?", Fp asked.

"He can stay with us mister Jones", Archie said.

Fp stared at Jughead "is that what you want",  Fp started, when Jughead didn't say anything, Fp continued "maybe thats for the best, if you dont mind Fred", Fp finished.

"Whatever you want Fp, its between the two of you", Fred said.

"I'll go with you dad", Jughead said.

"Fp", I started, they all looked at me "I know I dont know you but, this is your chance to set everything right", I finshed, Fp gave me a nod.

"Son listen to me, Peter is right, I have to get my act together, i'm gonna do what you want and get my act together, i'm gonna get your mom and jellybean home so we're all under the same roof, I promise, but I need time to do that, not alot, one month, two tops, then we'll be back on track, you belive that dont you?", Fp said to his son.

"Yeah, I believe you dad", Jughead answered, they both hugged it out as Fp started walking away.

Felicia: thank you Peter

PeterP: Fp?

Felicia: yeah, sorry I took her phone when I left, the serpents is your family if you want it at some point, we always take care of our own and make sure nothing happens to their family, please take care of my son in my place for now.

PeterP: ofcourse.

"So is anyone up for pops i'm starving", I said, which earned a chuckle from everyone, so we all decided to join together later at pops.


"Hey guys, so this is my sister Polly, or this is more for Peter, since everyone else has met her", Betty said.

"Hello Peter, nice to meet you", Polly said.

"You too, good to see you're okay", I said.

Polly gave me a small smile "thank you for looking for me", she said.

"No problem", I said and sat beside Ronnie.

"Hey pops, the usual please", I said, Pops gave me a chuckle and a nod, everyone was looking me "what?", I asked.

"How can you eat in a stress full situation", Betty said.

"One of my talents, anyway, what are we doing here?", I said.

"For Polly to meet the Blossoms, who should be here soon, once we've talked thing through with them, we'll call mom and dad", Betty said.

"Are you nervous to meet the she devil", I started but Ronnie elbowed me in the side "ow, I mean are you nervous to meet the Blossoms", I finished as I rubbed my side, fricking pointy elbows she have, she could poke my eye out.

"I'm thankful, at the home the sisters said each of us had a Guardian angel, and you're mine Betty" Polly said.

Soon the chime of the door bell was heard and in walked Cheryl, holy Thor, she is a not so nice women, we all turned around and Polly stood up from her chair "Cheryl", Polly said as she stood infront of her, Cheryl extended her hand and felt her baby bumb, "i'm so sorry about Jason, I know how much you loved him, becuase Jason always talked about how much he loved you", Polly finished.

"Cheryl where is your mom and dad", Betty asked.

Cheryl looked concerned for a moment, before she spoke up, "you have to leave now, I dont think my parents want to help, they want you put of the picture and take care of the baby, its not safe for you with them, its not safe for the baby to be with them", Cheryl said.

Polly looked around freightend, "where should I go?, I can't go back to the attic", Polly asked.

"You dont have to Polly, me and my mom would love to help", Veronica said.

"This has been fun, i'm gonna go home, its been a long day", I said and got up and went out of the dinner.

Cheryl ran after me "listen Peter i'm s..." Cheryl started, but I interupted her "yeah, no Cheryl i'm not in the mood for this, bye", I said and walked away from her, to go home, to get a good long nights rest, because this town is hella weird, we have a murder, a pregnant teen, southside serpents, and many more things to come until next time true belivers.

"Dude you did not just narrate again", Jughead said from beside me.

"Dude where do you keep popping up from?", I asked.

"Who knows?", Jughead said and walked into the dinner again.

What a Strange town this Riverdale is.

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