Jessica and Frances

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*It's smut so if you are not into that don't read it haha*

It's a normal day at the set of American Horror Story but something is different. "For fucks sack, where is she?!" Jessica rages while she walked up and down the set. "We said 6pm and now it's already 7pm. Is it too much to be on set on time?!" Everyone starred at the furious woman but nobody talks to her in fear of her temper. "Calm down, Jessica. She will be here in a minute, just relax." Sarah walked up to her, trying to calm her nerves. "I'm not calming down, she is running late. Again!" Jessica stops walking around and is now standing in front of Sarah with her Arms crossed in front of her chest. "It happened twice but not everyday, Jessica! Maybe something happened, I bet she has an explanation when she is here." Sarah gets a cup of water for Jessica and brings it back to her "let's just wait until she's here and see what she says,ok?!" Sarah looked to the entrance of the set when Frances finally arrived. "Oh look who's finally here! It's 7 can't you read?!" She hisses at her. "Oh come on. I'm sorry for running late but don't be so dramatic about it!" Frances sits down to get her make up done. "I can't believe it!" Jessica walks over to her "you are showing up here one hour late and you have the nerves to just sit down and let your make up be done as if nothing happened?!" She leans against the table, already in her nun habit for 1 hour. "I'm sorry, Jessica! What should I say?! I can't say anything else then ,I'm sorry,!" Frances looked the slightly older woman up and down. "At least we can start when my make up is done huh?" She says slightly sarcastic. "Don't play, Frances. Why are you one hour late huh? What happened?" Jessica's face was red like a tomato because she was so angered. "Well, I slept a bit too long and everything today was a bit later for me. I went shopping, doing stuff in my garden and some other things and I totally forgot the time. So I was running late. Happy?" Frances wasn't even looking at her, while she talked. "Wow. Get dressed and let's start, I'm tired of those arguments with you. Hurry up!" She walks over to the set and waits for like 10 minutes until Frances joined her in her costume as well. "Great, so can we start now Ryan?" Jessica looked at him, still slightly angered. "Well, uhm we have a problem with the technic, so uhm you can just get fresh or something in your trailer. It should work in like 30 minutes ok?" said Ryan kinda scared of her reaction. "Great, of course. We could have just said 'please show up at 7:30pm and everyone would have been here in time." Jessica walks away and leaves the set to go into her trailer but Frances stops her at the entrance to the set. "Don't be so angry, Jessica." She hold her wrist. Jessica looks to a young man who works there "could you please tell Frances that ,being here at six, doesn't mean ,I can show up at seven,?! Thank you." Jessica looked at her and walked away. "Don't mind her, she has a bad day." Frances says to the young man before she follows Jessica to her trailer. "What for gods sack do you want from me, Frances?" Jessica says already half way in her trailer. "Let me in. We need to talk." Frances pushes her slightly in the trailer. "Ok, now we are alone, can we please stop arguing, Jesus." Frances falls down on one chair in the trailer. "No. Why are you late? This happens twice now and I hope for you it won't happen again!" Jessica sits down in the other chair, lighting up a cigarette. "Come on? What is wrong with you? Did you forgot last night and everything that happened?" Frances looks at Jessica. "Of course I know what happened but that's not an explanation or excuse that you are late today, Frances!" Jessica hisses at her again. "Ok, so here is the Deal. You wasted me yesterday and I had an hangover, I mean I still have a hangover but one hour more sleep and relaxing face mask helped a lot. Please don't be mad at me, Jessi." Frances looks at her with a puppy look and reaches for her hand. "How could I be angry at you when you look at me like that. Ugh, fine. Don't do it again! Don't run late again! " Jessica looks at the the slightly younger woman holding her hand and smiles at her. "So, what do you want to do in the time we have left before we need to leave to get on set?" Jessica smirks at her. "No, Jessica. Someone could hear us. That wouldn't be good." Frances pulls her hand away. "Well, you just need to be silent." Jessica stands up and sits on Frances lap, her arms around her neck. "You want that too, don't you?" She looks the door. "Jessica, get off me please." She tries to push her off but she was stronger then she has in memory." Jessica pulled her closer and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "No, I sadly can't do that Franny. You was running late, so I have to punish you for that." She gets rid of her nun habit and starts undressing the younger woman. "Jessica, this isn't a good idea at all. We need to put that on again before we leave to go back on set and ugh." Frances complains before Jessica mutes her with a kiss. "Shut up and just let it happen. You should thank me instead of complaining all the time." She pulls Frances up the chair and pushes her against the wall of the trailer. "Ok, you need to me quite. Understood?" Jessica looks at her one last time before she starts kissing down her body until she is kneeling down and starts kissing her inner thighs. "I...I don't know if I can hold my voice down, Jessica." Frances bites down on her bottom lip. "Well you need to. Otherwise everyone will find out about us and you don't want that, right?" She pulls down Frances panties to reveal her wet folds. She starts to slowly circle her clit with her tongue. "Oh fuck. Jessica that's not an good idea at all." She grabs some hair of the blonde, kneeling woman. "We shouldn't do it." She says with a slightly shaking voice. "Stop talking so much. Just enjoy it." Jessica says before she thrusts two fingers inside of her. Frances released a soft moan while she bites on her lip to prevent louder noises. Jessica starts circling her clit again while she thrusts hard in and out. She feels Frances walls getting tighter around her fingers and how close she is to her climax. "Mhm, come for me Franny." Jessica says between sucking her clit. "You are so close, aren't you?" She asks. "Fuck, yes omg don't stop, Jessica!" She tries to be as quiet as possible but the moment Jessica put another finger inside she fell over the edge and released a loud, throaty moan. "Oh fuck..." She exhales and watches Jessica getting up, licking her fingers clean. She pulls her in a deep kiss "we should do that more often don't you think, Franny?" She puts on her costume again. "You should clean yourself and put on your costume again. We need to go back on set." Jessica says and leaves the trailer. 5 minutes later joins Frances, Jessica on set. "Well at least you are here on time this time." She hisses at Frances. "Ugh come on Jessica! Stop it now!" Frances says quiet annoyed. "I could have never started it if you would have been here on time!" She looks her lover up and down and leaves her with a smirk. "Yea What ever Jessica." Frances smiles back at her and leaves as well.

*I hope you liked the story uhm and ya I would love some opinions on it and maybe some ideas for another one?*

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