To the purple haired girl's surprise, the tsundere entered the classroom a few minutes later. However, Natsuki ignored her completely and walked to the back of the classroom, with that upset look she used to have before they became friends.

Before she could stand up and go try to talk to her, Sayori arrived, followed by one more person.

"Hi guys!", Sayori said cheerful. "H-Hello Sayori", Yuri said shyly after noticing the other person next to her. "Please say hi to our club newest member! His name's Masato Chikasue, and he'll be joining us from today. The tall girl there is Yuri, and the one in the back is Natsuki and I'm the vice-president Sayori!", The bubbly girl said pointing at the pink and purple girls for the new guy.

"Hey, nice to meet you. You can call me MC", said the boy with dark brown hair with the most average hairstyle in Japan. Yuri waved a hand at the guy while Natsuki huffed and sighed annoyed before speaking.

"Why did you bring a boy here Sayori?", the feisty girl said. "E-Eh? Ah, well he asked me what clubs were out there to join when I was coming here and I told him about this one and he said it was just what he was looking for", Sayori explained joining the tip of her index fingers. "Ugh, whatever", Natsuki said turning her attention back to her manga.

The boy then moved to a seat between Yuri and Natsuki. The purple one then tried to go talk to the pink one but just as if Natsuki could read her mind, she stood up first and went to the new guy.

"Hey, do you like manga?", Natsuki asked. "Yeah, I see you too", MC replied glancing at the book in her hand. "Come on then, read with me", Natsuki demanded making Yuri stop herself from getting up her chair. "Sure", MC replied.

Half and hour later of Yuri not being able to focus on her book due to her wondering if Natsuki was using the new guy as a shield or if she was actually interested in him; the boy had stood up and went to talk to Sayori for a bit.

Time to score some points with the hottest.

MC then approached Yuri who was still lost in thought and spoke. "What are you reading?", he asked. "E-Eh? Umm it is a horror novel...", Yuri replied shyly. "Oh that's cool! I like horror too" (I actually don't but screw it, this attributes of her are worth it), the boy said. "R-Really?", Yuri asked. "Yeah, can I read with you?", MC smiled at her. "Umm sure, here", Yuri replied and moved the book closer to him for they to start reading. Yuri thought maybe she could distract herself a little, since Natsuki clearly didn't want to talk to her yet.

A few moments later into their reading Yuri couldn't help but steal a glance at Natsuki in the back discreetly.

As soon as Yuri looked in her direction, she encountered Natsuki looking at the two of them with fury in her eyes. The shorter one quickly averted her gaze and looked away still angry. Yuri couldn't help but feel worse as if she had done something wrong again.

Club final ended and the first one to leave was Natsuki who stormed out of the classroom without saying anything. Yuri thought about chasing her but she believed Natsuki needed some space maybe.

"I'm going the same way, let's walk home together!", MC said to Sayori. "Okay! I don't like to be lonely anyway", Sayori replied as the two exited the room saying goodbye to Yuri who was once again left alone with her thoughts.


Later that day, the girl with green mint hair was enjoying her last free evening before she started her new job the following Monday.

"I'm home!", a gorgeous girl of long black hair said as she entered through the door. "Welcome back", Omiko said smiling shyly. "Mikoooo!", Airi replied jumping onto the small couch of her small living room opening her arms to capture the glasses girl. "A-Airi!", Omiko said startled as Airi hugged her tight. "Sorry, I keep forgetting you're still not comfortable with that", Airi said smiling awkwardly as she pulled away from the hug.

"So how was school?", Airi asked smiling sweetly. "Same as usual, thanks for asking", Omiko replied while she watched TV absently.

Airi wanted the girls attention though so she slid her hand silently on top of Omiko's. The space lover girl jumped on her seat pulling her hand away startled. "C-Could you please...", Omiko said shyly. "Sorry", Airi said with a sad smile that made Omiko feel bad as always for her still ridiculously shy behavior towards the older girl.

"Miko, do you have plans for this weekend?", Airi asked. "Yes, I'm going to eat outside tomorrow with a friend", Omiko said still looking at the TV trying to distract herself from Airi's beauty. "Heh... Is this friend a girl?", Airi asked shyly for a change. "Yes", Omiko replied. "Is she pretty?", Airi asked. "I guess so- wait why are you asking that?!", Omiko said surprised. "B-Because!", Airi tried to find a good excuse failing miserably. "She's just a friend", Omiko said turning back her attention to the screen. "Sorry! I just can't help to... Feel a little jealous...", Airi mumbled in a barely audible voice.

Airi looked away sad quickly turning surprised when she felt something soft on her nose. "Well, don't be", Omiko said poking the black haired girl's nose, with her face flushed as ever. Omiko then turned back to the TV at the speed of light still blushing madly. Airi's cheeks turned pink while she smiled warmly.


After Wrestling club finished their activities. Mayu and Gensai, who coincidentally lived in the same direction, were walking home together.

"Hey Togashi, give me Monika's address", Magikick said. "Woah there! I admire your boldness certainly but don't you think you're going a little too fast?", Gensai said genuinely surprised. "How many times do I have to tell you it's not that!!", Magikick exclaimed applying a headlock to the school cap boy. "Ouch I give up!", Gensai said in pain. "Let me ask my buddies first, I'll send it to you later or tomorrow the lastest", Gensai said adjusting his cap after being released from the hold. "Thanks", Mayu said blushing lightly for a change as she thought about the girl of the white ribbon.

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