35. His Sacrifice Won't Go Into Vain

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"Jake didn't, I only ever said strange friends needed me but I never told him anything or a story but those ferocious fucks only got to him because of me being around with him." Albert replies shifting his hand on the armrest, his hazel eyes looking down at the floor. "I know some are good myths but most are merciless. They don't care what is happening to us, all we want is peace. Unfortunately they do not understand." Adam too looked down at the floor, his hands kept the side of his legs, fidgeting with the end of the given clothes. "It's not even your fault for Jake to be targeted, it's them for being bloodthirsty to see us in despair and destroy each other. Even if.. Rust changed and was by our sides, some choices he did aren't the best." He added, his mind feeling to be turned red at the sentences said. "What do you mean by that? Rust only helped Alone out, he didn't have a thing to do when Jake attacked me or Alone, both did it on their own." He questioned over to look at him, seeing him avoid eye contact and waited for a reply in return for explanation.

"I know I am highly not supposed to tell you a thing about this conversation I had with Jake, but I want you to know a thing. This isn't to make Rust look bad nor wanting you to forgive Jake faster but... Do you remember the Halloween we went to his forest?" The male with the blue concealment eyes questioned in a more serious tone. "Yeah.. the strange day we went to the horror theme park and awful party." Albert in his mind remembered the memories, it was the first time he spent Halloween with Selozar. "I spoke to Jake outside when we got back, he told me a thing you wouldn't know which I will tell you. You might not want to let Jake know I told you this, it was private. We both thought it didn't need to be said since it was over, bringing it back up will cause trouble." Albert reassured Adam he won't say anything to anybody about it.

"A-Anyways... Jake received messages from you but it wasn't you. Telling him a few things only he would know of, which he blindly listened to him to go to his forest." Adam says quietly, "Rust knew how he felt of you and Selozar together in a relationship. Jealousy got detected by a friend being taken away, of course he tempted him to do actions he never would do to hurt you." Further on he kept on speaking. "A-And the day he went over there was the day he attacked you, R-Rust did tell him something to give him the temptation to hurt you like that. Again I-I don't say this to make Rust look bad but he really wouldn't want to hurt you, that's why there must be a reason why he betrayed us. He wouldn't want to hurt all of us like that." Throughout the last part, his voice tone was full of nervousness. Sometimes hiding his entire face away by turning to a wall, it seemed like Adam got badly hurt for the betrayal and needed to find the truth than just to cry over it.

"I-.. d-don't know what I want to say anymore. I only ever thought of him doing it for his own self, never a myth being the cause of the temptation completed. I d-didn't mean to put him in a place like that and tell him all of those things." Albert said, slightly shifting but controlled himself down but the shaky feeling in him remained. "It'll be alright, I am sure I'll get him back before anything is done. Hopefully. I really want to reach out to him. Which I tried today except he didn't want to talk to me." Adam said to reassure his friend he'll save Jake from the darkness, of course he still felt very upset over everything to happen but he didn't want a bad ending to come across to him.

Albert sighs after seeing out the window, the sun was setting down into the next day. "You should keep on trying to save him, Adam. I know I still feel upset for everything, all that happened but... You should never give up to save someone, no matter how low are the possibilities to do it. You can do this." He told wisely, a lighter gaze appearing into his more serene eyes. "I will give it all I got. I will try to bring him back. I will do this for Rust. I'll bring everyone forwards." Adam says with honor, the recall of memories about their deceased friend hooked into his head. "Just the way he wanted, he did his choice for all of us. I am not gonna let it go to vain." He added in. "He will be remembered as a savior."

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