32. The Days You'll Appreciate

Start from the beginning

"Before we go..." Alone turned around, stopping to look at one of the main four. Suddenly the sword he carried is pointed directly at that person who made a betrayal, it is Jake. His red blood piercing eyes gave a deep glare, he had a furious expression on his face. "You'll be questioned over there, and you won't go anywhere to hide. I don't care what your friends think too." He said aggressively, slightly getting the sword closer between both his eyes. "I will get those answers out even if it means to kill or torture the hell out of you." He glared deeper with a growl getting an inch closer. "I will make you talk about what you told the enemy."

Jake didn't say anything, he stood there just having no expression on his face. He didn't turn over to any of his friends. He knows what he did for his betrayal, and he willingly will give answers when they arrive at the safe place. The thing was from how big his mistakes were, he didn't care what would happen to him. He couldn't never forgive himself for Rust. He couldn't as well for disappointing everyone. He has done an awful thing. He will forever feel trapped about it.

"Let's go, now." Alone let his sword down, giving one finale glare before turning back to face directly at the open portal. "I don't want any more damn problems when we get over there..." He added in, gripping his hand around the hilt of the sword. Oddly he had the desire to hurt Jake for getting Rust killed. It wasn't for the reminder of Selozar, but how he got a myth killed for unknown reasons, which he will get out of him even if painfully.

"Ready to go now, [ALLY] Alone Traveler?" The man asked in a calm voice tone, but he seemed to try and ignore what happened. "Yeah, now we move." Alone answered, not hesitating to walk right through the other side, Foxicate followed. The others felt really unsure since it has been a while but with the bits of courage and bravery left inside their souls, they took heavy steps forwards. The first ones to go in was Morgenne, Sorrow, and Uleanra. Jake followed behind those three, trying to avoid no eye contact or conversation. Though Morgenne seemed to look upset around him. It looked like anger was in there too, there was no proof if he actually had an ally thing with their own enemies made in their own story. Whatever it was, they needed answers why they heard such awful things. Adam gave Albert and Selozar a little glimpse, he had some words needed to be given before they all met at the other side of the portal. "Here we go again..." Adam says a bit sadly, "Whatever happens, hopefully we'll get past it..." His tone didn't sound very confident, he seemed to be lost. He knew heavy things would happen going over there. "Hopefully..." Albert responded, seeing Adam turn and walk straight into the portal looking down to the ground.

Albert sadly gazed over at Selozar, he looked very exhausted and injured from the fight. He tried to hold himself together from everything, he was a bit lost on his path too, all his choices were mixed up from despair. Albert gave his hand out. Selozar looked up at Albert then back down to his hand given out. Then back to his hazel eyes. "Let's keep running away, Selozar." He said in a gentle tone, "Together." He added in his sentence, always putting trust into his words for him

Selozar took his hand feeling a little nervous to keep on moving forward. They both gazed into each other's eyes, for a little while until Albert broke it. "We should leave now Selozar, it's too dangerous to be here." Albert says and he nodded his head understanding. The two turn over to face the opened portal, watching the wind quietly blow, whispering out a warning of their newest and perhaps another dangerous adventure they'll face together and keep their promises with one another.

Their hands held together gently, both started to take steps towards the portal without looking back, they won't forget to come back. They knew they needed to come soon but now they needed to run away somewhere far away from this place of nightmares. A place that isn't home, it was a different place they still will be together as always. Though there is always something that dares to separate the two from each other. Both had strong desires to stay by each other's sides, it was another strong bond they shared.

Albert and Selozar came out last from the portal, actually it was the man that stayed behind to reassure their safety. They wouldn't want the enemy to come to the other side of the portal.

The gang looked around at the new location they'd moved to that quickly. Some had no idea where they stood, a few recognized the place. Seconds later the portal closed behind them, now there was no way to return back to their old location. Though some did know where they were. It was a long way from home and this place is hidden. "Where are we?" Morgenne whispered to their group of friends. Adam for a bit doze off into the place, he had wondered if this place was actually suitable for them. All his time here was not very welcoming at times. There was a slight worry in him, but he remained quiet of those thoughts to not cause any panic to anybody of his friends. "We're in.. the days union city." He answered, feeling uneasy about the myths that go all around here. "More myths..." He whispers out to her, in response she nodded her head keeping watch of the other two.

This was an entirely different adventure for all of the friends they've spent together, somewhere new or familiar. They knew that they needed to stay together to face anything except at the moment it seemed like there was gonna be some questioning, Jake won't be out aside for his betrayal and giving information to their enemies. He will have to face his own things without anybody speaking out for him. Adam was not even sure what to say, but he wanted answers too for why he would do such a thing. He wanted to figure out the puzzle rather than emotionally feel wrecked by it. He did but he hid his face away. Whatever will happen, the place of the memory will remain in this place, the days union city.

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