"I want to help you to defend yourself from these awful threats." He adds in sounding so confident and fearless. "B-But with a sword? W-Why would I have one around all the time and h-how?" He questioned lowering his voice tone down, feeling butterflies in his stomach since he's never exactly seen Alone act like that. At first he had acted terrifying and strange then he's become more friendly and chill, but now he's just a concerned man for Albert. Only. "Shut up, it's just for your own protection from these other myths out there putting threats against you. Maybe even non myths." He responded to his question, his face expressing less concern and more of a stern one now.

Albert stared up at Alone really looking at the same terrifying face that made him nervous. The emotion he thought he saw in Alones deep red eyes made him feel ominous, but he would later feel another thing knowing he's his good best friend. "Would you stop looking at me like that. I'm not your lover. I don't wish to be." Alone noticed Alberts long staring and a smile that had appeared on him. "Oh s-sorry... Th-That's just so very nice of you, Alone.." His face turned crimson red of embarrassment from his stare or maybe even a deep gaze. "I n-never knew you were that much of a good person to do that for my own sake.. b-but still with my questions..."

"Forget about those questions my friend, just use my sword for the moment. I don't need to be a great person to do that." Alone told Albert in a calm deep tone, he turned his sword over to make the hilt of it face him directly. Alone waited for his friend to take it, but Albert once again gazed in his red snake like eyes, seeing him gaze back at him. There was only silence between the two now, there were not many noises or sounds around in their little hill with the apple tree. There was a small tension build up from that special gaze engaged. The small gentle breeze made the green leaves in the tree flow, their brown and whitish hair, and the soft grass below the two. "Okay..." Albert says to break the silence, he pushed his hand forwards since he took a hesitation to take a single move. He reached his hand closer to the hilt, his fingers slowly closing around it. He felt some of the weight from the sword, thinking in his mind he can handle it. That is when Alone had let go of the sword, causing Albert to use his other hand to hold the sharp object.

"Oh.. i-it's heavier than I-I expected it to be..." Albert muttered but still was hearable. The boy attempted to hold it in the air in his hands for a long period till the other end dropped down touching the grass and dirt. Alone watched him in amusement from this happening, his struggle. "You'll get use to the weight eventually." Alone chuckles, taking some couple of small steps towards his best friend to help him out with the weapon, then he went behind him. Albert took a glimpse behind him feeling more nervous, wishing to be home in bed. Maybe with the door locked too.

Alone from behind Albert, took both his wrists with his large hands carefully and helped him hold up the sword at an angle in the air. Albert could barely hold it up for a limit of seconds, luckily the strong muscular male helped a lot to hold up the melee weapon. "I-It's so darn heavy." Albert wheezed, still feeling the weight of it but able to keep it up with Alones help. "That's why I'm helping you." Alone told him, getting a little closer since Alberts hands started to tremble.

"...What are you packing?" Albert asked his best friend behind him in a lowered tone, it seemed like he held something in but some snickered had been released. "I only brought my sword." Alone answers with a clueless expression, quietly questioning why'd he asked that question for. "Swords." Albert added in his sentence then stood there in silence holding the sword with him. Alone's eyes turned shocked to not realize what he actually meant in his sentence. "You are so disgusting." He took a million steps away from Albert, seeing him drop the sword on the ground due to the weight.

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