Chapter 8 - The Legend

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"Little brother, wake up!" Aja tried to wake Krel, he was a long-sleeper ... a really long-sleeper.

"Only 5 Mecrons left!" Krel said and turned to the side.

"Krel, today we have an appointment with the others for learning!"

Krel pulled the blanket over his head. They have been doing this for weeks. The study group is still there "So you can deepen your friendship, spend time with each other and learn something at the same time".

That's how long Krel and Mary are secretly together.

Krel got up. "I am coming!"

Aja gave Krel her serrator to disguise themselfs.

"They're coming soon, so-"

"Ay ay ay! I got it, Aja!"

The doorbell rang. Aja turned to look at Krel, but he just sat at the bar in the kitchen and rested his head on his hand.

Aja opened the door and let the study group in.

"Welcome!" Aja said as happy as ever.

Krel jumped up from his seat.

"Hi." he said and sat in front of the fireplace where he and Mary always sat when they all met.

"No, no, no, not today!" Eli said as everyone wanted to sit down.

"Today we go out ... out into the woods!"

Everyone exchanged confused looks. "In the forest?" Jim asked, "Why that?"

Eli took his flashlight and held it under his face.

"Exactly 1000 years ago today ... a spaceship landed right in the forest of Arcadia with real aliens aboard. These aliens left something behind in Arcadia ... according to legend, you should be able to see it and the aliens on the day they landed. "

Aja and Krel looked at each other. Then they had to laugh out loud.

"Come on!" said Krel "As if-"

Eli interrupted their laughter "As if aliens exist? Oh, you two should know that best!" Eli said with a very suspicious look.

Mary and Darcci looked puzzled.

"Because they come from a place where a lot of alien research was done? yes!" Toby said quickly.

"Let's go!" said Eli

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