Y/N: would you have some one like that

I point to mineta with a perverted look

Tsuyu: good point

Iida: then it's settled is that the best s-

Y/N: he fell asleep

Everyone saw aizawa in his cocoon asleep then everyone voted

Y/N L/N 9

S/N L/N 3

Y/N: whoa I didn't expect to be rep

Iida: z-zero votes

Bakugo: how did I get none

Sero: what did you thing anyone was gonna vote for you

Aizawa: ok the class rep is Y/N and our deputy is S/N

Y/N: I'm not really fit for this

Tsuyu: this might not be so bad

Kirishima: yay I think I can go with Y/N bing rep

Then was lunch I was talking to S/N

Y/N: S/N I've been thinking that we give the rep to Iida

S/N: yeah I think your right

We find a place to sit and we sat with isuma but something felt off I used observation to look around then I found someone a villain I think

Y/N: sorry but I need to go

I then left I was outside I used observation to look again and I found him he looked like my age with blue hair

Y/N: you know your trespassing please leave

???: sorry but I come he to get something get him

His men then come at me but I used my Haki to take them down I got my knife out and slashed one of them and the other I stabbed

Y/N: scram

He then ran away

???: you could've told me there were villains out here

I turn around to see sis

Y/N: well I delt with them let's go back before we get caught

Me and S/N ran back to the lunch room where everyone was panicking and ran to the exit then Iida flew out of no where and said everything was fine it the media

Ochako: is everything ok you guy were gone for a while

Y/N: yes and we made a decision

S/N: we would like to give our positions to Iida

Iida: me why

Y/N: well Iida I fallow orders I don't make them I'd lay down my life to be just a hero and that's that

Iida: thank you I won't let you down

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