➳ 6 // As a Black Raven

Start from the beginning

My peace and quiet were starting to be interrupted as I reached number twenty-three. The sound of laughter could already be heard from the inside of our dining hall as the people were sure to have already gathered there to see us, the hosting family and the royal family enter the hall to start the festivities. In fact, some were sure to already be by the door waiting for the rest of us in an eager manner as they probably wanted to drink and eat as much as the others already inside. So with one deep breath, I forgot the numbers and made my pace faster as I headed towards the door. Everyone stood there already and it was clear to see I had been the one they were waiting for.

This situation could have caused me to become shy or even start to glow red in my cheeks but the nerves of the entire proposition situation were still to prominent in my body to even bother caring about other things. So I stood tall as I said my apologies and then we all proceeded to enter the hall where people cheered as we walked by. The festivities were only beginning.


Everything was loud and I would be in fact lying if I said that the happiness that was surrounding me hadn't started to make it's way towards my own face. My smile would appear from time to time as I sat by my brother Robb. Men and women surrounded us with their big grins and their cups in hands as they told us their many stories and jokes, the men would make some of these jokes about women, half expecting this other gender to be offended or shy away from them. I, however, did not. This would surprise many of them, seeing especially as I was a lady of the house their lenience was pledged to but in the end we would all laugh and not think of it anymore.

I had drunk a few cups of ale, but not enough to the point where I knew it would be hard to even keep my posture or would make me slur a few words, I knew where I stood and the image that I had to hold up. One did not know this however, and that was King Robert. He stood happily amongst the people and not at the high table, and by his side stood many women as he gave them his affection publicly and as his own wife watched from afar. This was one of the many reasons I was afraid of love, whatever she must have been feeling in that moment was something I did not want to feel.

Robb had stood up, saying he had spotted uncle Benjen from a far but as I was to follow him to greet out uncle I felt Sansa's hand hold onto my arm.

"What is is sister?" I asked, looking back and forth between her and my brother who was now embracing Benjen.

"Can you come with to greet the queen?"

"I want to go and greet the queen" she said again, looking at Cersei who was speaking to our mother and then to me with pleading eyes "please, please"

A sigh escaped my lips as I gently nodded, causing her to let out a squeal of happiness as she stood up from her chair, her friend who had stood by her giving her a gigantic smile as we started to walk towards the high table.

There was something about Cersei Lannister. She was known to be beautiful, but she was also told to be as ruthless as the Lannister name goes. She sure did stood like a proud lioness glaring back at her pride and almost ready to bare claws to whoever disrespected her or wounded her children. However, this night, it was clear to see how unloved she was by the one she had to lay with every single night, it was made evident that she would always be second to the memory of a northerner woman. Her weakness had been shown but still, there she stood proudly.

"Hello, little dove" Cersei spoke to Sansa who stood shyly in front of the queen "but you are a beauty. How old are you?"

"Thirteen your grace" my sister's voice sounded so pure, so shy as if she was speaking to the greatest form of beings.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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