➳ 1 // Our Way Is The Old Way

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:A N A S T A R K:

Every snowflake is different. They all look the same but every single one has an unique pattern that is not repeated anywhere else, so we use them as examples to explain how people work as individuals. We may look alike but we're all different with our own little quirks, scars and bits of personality. As a Stark child I was very used to the sight and feeling of snowflakes, to their coldness all around me ever since the day I was born.

    We were lucky to have been born summer children, that was what everyone had told us. The winter was vile and brought out a darkness in everyone and truth was that here in Winterfell we were mostly protected from everything else happing on the rest of the realm. I was the oldest girl of the Stark family, born only a year after my older brother Robb was born and looking mostly like my younger sister and brother Bran with dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin. I did not have my father's eyes or my mother's like my siblings, truth be told I could easily go by as Jon's sister and most of the times mother hated that I'd make that comparison.

    As a lady, especially the eldest one, I had to behave properly so that one day I could marry and rule by someone's side as a noble lady, but just like Arya I didn't really like to settle for dresses and sewing with the women of the castle. I went on long horse rides with my older brother Robb, Jon and also the kraken boy Theon Greyjoy.

    Theon and I were very close in age which made our childhood a little rough. Short story told, I wanted to play with the boys and he would tease me and not let me, this would normally end with father giving him some sort of speech about how it was a privilege that we had taken him in  and that he had to respect the house he was in, and that included respecting me.

    But the ever lasting truth is that the bickering between me and Theon didn't end when we were children, it grew with us and it eventually started to annoy everyone around us to the point where family dinners would be a competition on how long one of us would stay sat at the table. Mother would tell me it was all due to his lack of manners and our arguments almost caused his permanent stay at Winterfell a lot of times so I did what a lady was supposed to do for once and stopped my end of the arguments. I would just listen to his jokes and stay quiet, sometimes raising only the corner of my lip and nodding acknowledging his words, but never answering back. I'd see the way his eyes would loose some brightness, the way his shoulders sunk and I could see him sigh due to the cold weather around us.

    We had just spent the rest of the time ignoring each other until one day we couldn't anymore. Theon was an Ironborn, he was hot headed, cocky and most things that we Starks are not. As he got older it was easier to see the ocean inside of him, the wild side of his soul taking shape of the man he is now; always accompanied with a rather shitty comment about people and a whore or two on each one of his legs to keep him company. Every time my eyes would catch his, I'd be the last one to look away, I think in a way I wanted him to be able to be what he is now and look me in the eye but he was never capable of it for too long.

    My brother Robb sometimes would talk to me about it, asking if there was anything between me and the salt water boy but I would always refuse any stories and rumors, there was nothing between the both of us and there could never be. My brother would just nod his head, something hidden behind his blue eyes as he'd glance at me once more before leaving my chambers making me wonder about the topic the entire night as I slept. And then it would all happen again. I'd wake up, be with my family learning how to behave like a lady and doing my duties, Theon would be serving my father and on his free time he'd be laughing out loud with the whores and run away to get pleasure from them and nothing else, Robb would come to my chamber we'd talk and I'd go to bed. All the time, every single day.

Aquamarine ➳ Theon GreyjoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ