Chapter Seventeen

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The group chuckled at a joke Adeline made while she laughed the hardest. She dug her face into Sweet Pea's arm and tried to muffle her laughs. Tears leaked out of eyes and rolled down her cheeks as her face turned red. She slapped the table multiple times before taking deep breaths. Adeline fanned herself as she had calmed down and took a big bite out of her burger. As she was chewing, she felt the stares of her friends on her.

"What?" Adeline asked after she swallowed her food. She wiped her mouth and hands and waited for a response. All she got was head shakes and chuckles.

"Are we ready to go?" Veronica asked as she stood up from the other booth. Adeline quickly cleaned up the table and left the items neat on top before declaring she was ready.

"Thanks Pops! Have a good night!" Adeline waved at the old man and smiled at him as they walked out the door. "Can I drive?" She asked Sweet Pea.

He smirked at her and raised his hand above him. The keys jingled above Sweet Pea's head as Adeline tried her best to reach for it. Obviously, the Serpent was much taller than her and she barely reached his shoulders.

"Please, Sweet Pea! Can I drive the truck?" The small girl looked up at him with puppy eyes and stuck her bottom lip out.

Fuck, Sweet Pea thought. He hated it whenever Adeline did that because he always said yes to whatever she wanted. I'm fucking whipped, he thought again and groaned.

"Fine, here. If we die, it's on you." He jokes as he handed her the keys.

"Brutal." Adeline smirked and grabbed from him whilst doing her happy dance. "I promise I won't make us crash. Scratching the car though, I can't promise that."

Sweet Pea looked up at the sky and muttered,"God, help us."

"Hey, I'm a good dri-" The blue eyed girl was cut off by a voice behind them. She whipped around to see that it was Dorian.

"Hey, Adeline." He said sheepishly. The group grew silent as they stared him down.

Adeline eyed him and noticed how he kept fidgeting with his hands and looking around like he was waiting for someone. His eyes were glassy and bloodshot, as if he just finished crying.

She cleared her throat,"Dorian, what do you want?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets,"I wanted to apologize." He muttered. His heart was beating rapidly and a bead of sweat fell from his head.

Sweet Pea scoffed,"That's all you're gonna say? "I want to apologize"? After you made her cry and upset?" He was beginning to walk towards Dorian. Anger sparked in both of their eyes and they began yelling at each other. The boys tried to hold Sweet Pea back but he just kept pushing through.

Dorian roughly pushed Sweet Pea back and pulled out a gun from behind. The air was tense as he pointed the gun towards the Serpent. His eyes went back and forth between the tall boy and Adeline, who stood frozen in fear. His hands began to shake and tears cascaded down his face. Adeline looked at Dorian and knew that the boy she knew was gone. He made eye contact with her and a shiver went down her spine as she saw the crazy look in his eyes.

"Adeline," He whispered. "Please, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you."

Adeline nodded her head slowly and said,"Dorian, it's okay. Just put the gun dow-"

"NO!" He yelled. "ALL THIS FOR YOU. CAN'T YOU SEE? I LOVE YOU ADELINE." She stumbled back in shock and tried to process the words that came out of his mouth. "We did everything we could. All those texts and photos. EVEN BREAKING INTO YOUR ROOM."

Adeline began to breathe heavily as everything began to sink in. She knew Dorian was acting different, but to do that? And who is we? Tears prickled in her eyes as she stared at him in horror.

She began to shake her head,"No. No, no, NO! YOU TORMENTED ME. YOU STALKED ME AND THREATENED MY FAMILY. All because you love me?" Her voiced broke at the end. She never imagined her life to be like this. All she wanted to do was get her brother and mother back.

Dorian then pointed the gun directly at the broken girl,"You're coming with me." He darkly said.

"Like hell she is." Jughead growled. The crazed boy flat out ignored him.

"Adeline, if you do not come with me I will shoot them all." Her breathing labored, she didn't know what to do.

"Adeline, MAKE A CHOICE!" He pointed behind her shot the gun, making her let out sobs. She gasped as tears fell freely from her eyes.

"I'll go with you!" She sputtered out in fear.

"No!" Her friends yelled out. They went silent as the gun was pointed at them.

"Walk towards me, slowly." He instructed. The girl took timid steps towards him and was immediately pulled back. She was instantly hit with a smell of her boyfriend, she melted in his arms and broke down in sobs. Dorian shot behind the couple and proceeded to point it at Sweet Pea. He walked towards them and grabbed the crying girl out of his arms, whilst still pointing the gun. The group was filled with tears as they watched him pull her away.

"Give me the keys." He demanded and stuck his hand out. With a trembling hand Adeline dropped the keys in his hand and he opened the passenger seat. "If only your mother and brother were here to see this." He whispered and caressed her cheek, the coldness of the keys hitting her. The girl felt her throat run dry. She has never told anyone about them.

"How-how do you know about them?" She stuttered.

He smirked down at her and chuckled,"I know everything." He grabbed her head and smashed it against the car door, knocking her out. Dorian pushed her body into the car and closed it behind her.

"You motherfucker!" Sweet Pea yelled. He charged at the boy, but he was already in the drivers seat. Dorian started the car and began to drive, not before blindly shooting at them.

Adeline stirred and muttered,"No." As she heard the gunshots. The boy heard her and took the butt of the gun and knocked her out once again.

The last thing she heard was the cries of friends as they drove away and Dorian's voice.

"Sweet dreams."

《   》

ahh, hi.
i really suck at updating, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter:))

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