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Winterfell, The North

The Starks were one of the Great Houses of the seven kingdoms and the reigning house in the northern kingdom, with Winterfell as their seat and capitol. Lord Eddard Stark was the head of the Stark family and thus, the warden of the North and a great lord to the king. His wife, Catelyn, was from another Great House; Tully. He had five children by her: three sons by the names of Robb, Bran and Rickon and two daughters: Sansa and Arya. Yet, it is also known that Lord Eddard had another daughter; an illegitimate daughter borne to him by a woman he refused to name. Her name was Jeyne Snow; Snow being the surname of all bastards born in the north. However, Jeyne was unique among bastards or as some have said, a uniquely-loved bastard. For as most bastards are kept far away from the noble family to dampen the lord or the lord wife's deep shame of their existence; Lord Stark's love for Jeyne is said to be very great indeed. She was never too far nor too near so as to not stoke Lady Stark's ire. Still, some thought there was perhaps something more to this Jeyne Snow than Lord Stark let on.

With a held breath, Jeyne slumped in a way that wasn't even evident in the motion of her shoulders, elbows or even fingers. It wasn't ladylike, as the septa often reminded her with a swat of her disciplining rod. Ladies are dignified under the gaze of others and comfort is like a woman's secret; it should never leave one's bedchambers. Unlike what was common for most bastards, Jeyne was allowed to participate in most of the activities that Sansa and Arya took part in including schooling and the high arts of ladyship.

She looked about the needlework circle at the other girls, about seven of them. All attempted to appear as proper ladies for Septa Mordane, whom watched them all like a hawk, save for little Arya Stark. Arya was the youngest there, while Jeyne was the eldest yet it was Arya who was the only one who openly challenged the septa. Jeyne only did so in secret.

Most of the girls were dark-haired, pale-skinned and brown-eyed which were traditional northern features save for Sansa Stark among them. Sansa had long, auburn hair and lively blue eyes that would make any man want her hand as soon as she matured. She was prettier than all the girls in the room and likely than all the young girls in Winterfell. Due to the inherited looks of her mother's family rather than her father's, she set herself apart from the other girls like a golden swan in a flock of geese. Jeyne's grey eyes caught hers for a moment and Sansa pretty façade turned into something else. Jeyne wasn't sure if Sansa hated her or just felt a great pity; still, Jeyne loved her like she loved all the Starks and felt saddened at this. She often wondered when things first soured between the two; she couldn't quite remember. Jeyne looked away when Sansa's glare became unbearable.

Septa Mordane went about the room, looking over shoulders and critiquing pieces as the girls did their best embroidered cloth.

"That's shoddy work" she said to one girl. "What man would take a wife who can't stitch a simple line? You couldn't sell this for a copper pin. Untie it and try again. You won't be dismissed until I'm satisfied."

"I-I beg your forgiveness, septa." The girl seemed upset.

"A bit of effort wouldn't hurt, dearie" Mordane went on with a rueful smile as she patted the girl's shoulder. "I expect so much from you young women."

She continued on her slow trek around the room. She hummed some old Winterfell chorus as she looked over everybody's work, pausing every so often as the girls held their breaths to anticipate harsh criticism. She gasped when she beheld Sansa's piece.

"Oh, Sansa. How splendid! May I see?"

Sansa nodded gracefully. "Of course, septa." She raised her cloth to the septa; Sansa had embroidered a nearly finished castle on the cloth.

A Chorus of Flame and SnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora