She threw up her hands in defeat and exasperation then, to the alarm of a few passersby whom she almost hit in the face.

And that. That does not help your case.

Hastily lowering her hands, she hurried past the people who were now giving her strange looks. Turning a corner, she made her way down a more secluded alleyway. It was a shortcut she sometimes took to get to the train faster. She switched back to speaking aloud.

"I can't help it, okay?" she huffed. "Ever since Dad made it so that I can see and hear you clear as day, it's hard not to respond back in the same manner. I'm human! We talk a lot. We emote. At least I do. If He doesn't like it, He shouldn't have made me that way. Or, He shouldn't have given me this ability." She stormed onward down the alley.

The angel sighed again. Jubilee was starting to get all too used to that. She wondered how many times during the course of her lifetime he must have sighed and shook his head while watching her do stupid things, even back when she couldn't see him yet. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind. It was something she didn't want to think about.

Everything He does has a purpose. That you know already.

"Yes, thank you Yoda," she said dryly, not missing a step.

She wasn't sure whether or not he got pop culture references, but at the moment she didn't care. There was a beat of unreadable silence as he continued to trail gracefully down the path next to her.

So, he prompted at last, Why do you doubt?

"Why do I doubt?" she repeated, stopping. She turned to the angel. "Why do I doubt the purpose behind seeing what no one else can see, for no other reason than to look nuts and never be normal again? No, stop—" She put up a hand to cut the angel off before he could say anything. "Don't tell me. I know, some people wait and pray their whole lives for something like this. I admit that once upon a time, I would've thought it was pretty cool too. But now I see why those kinds of prayers aren't answered." She turned away to stare at the ground. "You catch a glimpse of heaven, you see beyond...and you're ruined for this world," she whispered. "I don't want to be here, Hellenos." She faced the angel again. "Why did He send me back? No one would ever believe me. Even people who believe angels exist would think that I'm a freak. What could possibly be the purpose of that?"

Hellenos gazed at her evenly. Honestly, she wasn't completely sure that that was his name. Back when she was first getting used to hearing in the spirit, she thought that that was the name she had heard. But since then he had never confirmed, and she didn't know why he wouldn't. He never corrected her, in any case.

Why don't you ask Him yourself? he asked simply. She thought he looked sorry for her. You know you can hear Him.

"Can I?" she asked bitterly.

Hellenos put a palm to his face, an act she was almost certain he had picked up from her. It never ceases to amaze me, he began, How you humans can be shown so much, and yet you STILL find reasons to doubt.

Jubilee put a hand on her hip and blew air out through her lips. She had most certainly missed the train by now and would have to catch the next one. Being able to see and talk with angels was incredibly distracting sometimes. What was she supposed to tell the kids back at home? Sorry, I got sidetracked having a heart to heart with my guardian angel?

"Listen," she said. She paused and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm still resentful about...about some things. It...gets in the way of hearing, you know?"

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