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Second unpopular opinion:

Abortions should be illegal.

Big surprise right? Conservative asking for a ban on abortion.

I have personally written multiple papers for school and various other things on why planned parenthood is just a mass genocide in disguise.

Since Roe V. Wade, there have been over 60 million abortions in the US alone. Since 1980 there have been over 1.5 billion worldwide. Only one percent of these are necessary or cause by a sexual assault. The rest are purely women who think it's their own personal birth control.

It is unconstitutional for abortions to be allowed. Stated in the United States constitution every human has "Three inalienable rights" the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

By killing a child before it can have the chance to do any of those things is just simple wrong, immoral, and unconstitutional. It goes against everything America was built on.

I can't sit back and watch innocent human beings be killed. I love everyone and just the thought of a life being ripped away before it had the chance to experience life is just sickening and upsetting.

As early as 6 weeks a baby has a heartbeat. As early as 8 weeks it can start to feel, hear, and see light.

If a fetus can feel at that stage of a pregnancy then it is a plausible assumption that it can feel pain. Like the pain of being torn limb from limb from a place that was supposed to be safe.

Evidence even supports that they can feel it before that. In the film 'The silent scream' there is video evidence from an ultrasound abortion that at SIX weeks the baby was squirming away from the suction and opening its mouth I what looked like a silent scream.

This film is horrifying. If you aren't squeamish I definitely recommend that you watch it.

When it was first released it got backlash from leftists claiming that that shouldn't be shown to the public because of the graphic scene, but that's the truth. We should cover up the truth because it's a little uncomfortable? Because it shows exactly what happens at a six week abortion?

Most women don't even know they're pregnant at six weeks. Most abortions are around 8 weeks meaning that the child is more developed and receptive to that pain.

ALSO. I bet you didn't know that the basis of abortion is formed on a racist white supremacist with the Nazi mentality that there was one pure race and all other races should be killed.

The founder of planned parenthood's name was Margret Sanger. She is quoted in saying many sick and twisted things such as;

"All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class... Knowledge of birth control is essentially moral. Its general, though prudent, practice must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race."

"A free race cannot be born of slave mothers."

She called herself a women's rights activist. However, she only supported women if they were rich, white, non-Catholics with no more than one child.

I myself cannot support something founded on nothing but hate, racism, and such twisted morals. No, I do not condone abortion or murder.

If you are interested in learning more or want to know some of my sources I would be happy to tell you in a civilized conversation either in the comments or in my personal messages.

Thank you.

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