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Photo of Lexi above😉

"So can I?" My sister asks again, I didn't want my school troubles to come between my sister and her friendships, so I just nodded, I will tell her later.

"C'mon let's go" I say.

"Bye Maya" my sister said as we both left her school.

"Bye" Maya replied smiling, she really doesn't look bad.

"What's up Rae" Lola asked.

"What do you mean" I say evading her question

"I know you know what I mean, come on, tell me" she basically whined.

"Fine, Maya's sister, Paige, she is a bad person."

"Raven, can you stop talking to me like I'm a kid, I'm almost 14" she says chuckling.

"Ok, so Paige basically bullies everyone, she is mean, so I thought her sister was like that, so I didn't want you to get caught in that kind of crowd" I say.

"Oh, Maya is not like that, and trust me, I'm old enough to know fake friends from real ones, and I promise you, Maya isn't like that" she says and I smile.

"Okay Lola, anyway do you want to go with me to my work place today or stay home?"

"Work, I don't want to stay home today"

"Alright then" we talk until we get to my work place, it's an ice cream shop, owned by a Korean man, I think his name is Mr Kim seokjin, I really can't pronounce his name well.

"Morning sir" I greeted my boss and he smiled, he is very nice, he lets Lola sit at a booth at the back to do her homework while I work.

"Anneonghaseyo" he greets back, or I think he did, anyway I tell Lola to go sit down while I go change into my work clothes.

It was going great until Mr new here surfaced. FLIPPING HECK!

"Raven, go serve table 5" my manager says, I look over and it's Mr Mcstupid and bird brain.

"Uh can somebody else tend to them?, I-I uh want to check on table 7"

"Lexi, table 7 is empty" oh fuck me, I put my hoodie up, grabbed my notepad and pen and slowly walked to the table.

He looked up and saw me and he first looked confused, then realized it was me, then he smiled.

I stood there waiting for them to order

"Aren't you gonna greet us, or ask us about our order?, Oh I forgot, you don't talk, I wonder why they hired a mute person for this job" birdbrain spoke and I glared holes in her head, but shrugged it off, she can't see my facial expression now, lucky her.

I pick up my pen and paper and write
"Good afternoon, I'm Lexi and I'm your waitress for today, what would you like me to get you?" I even put a smiley face. She read it and scoffed, the whole time, Mr ducking face was staring at me, what the heck??, Stop.

Paige was about to talk when he stopped her and said
"I'll have two scoops of mint chocolate ice cream" I wrote it down and turned to poopy face.

"I'll have one scoop of cookies and cream, I have to keep in shape you know? Unlike some people" she says eyeing me up and down.

First of all, nobody asked you, and secondly, I know she not talking about my sexy ass.

I smiled and walked away to get their order.

I swear I wanted to stuff her mouth with her bra stuffings. I finished making their order and took it to them.

"You know, Raven, you never gave me your number"he says once I got there

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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