Animal: August 23rd, 1986

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It was now Friday night, the gang parked on the side of the dirt road, all relieved that they were finally through with their first week of school. The group stood plainly near the tree line, waiting to hear the roar of a camaro ripping down the county road. "I don't think he's coming." Eric tried to whisper to Donna but Roxanne could still hear it. She knew Billy wasn't going to show either, they had already been waiting twenty minutes, but she was still a little humiliated that she got stood up in front of her closest friends. It doesn't matter who stands you up, being left like that hurts in general no matter how much you like the person. Donna lightly smacked Eric's arm, giving him a stern look she said "Let's just give it a couple more minutes..."
Roxanne didn't want to leave her friends hanging any longer though. "It's okay guys, no worries. Let's just get to partyin'!"

They all beamed hearing that she was still in high spirits. "That's what I'm talking about." Eric supportively patted the back of her shoulder as they began their hike into the forest. "Wait!" Kelso enthusiastically cried. "I have bottle rockets in my trunk!" He cartoonishly began running back to the car, almost like a character from Scooby Doo would run. While the gang went off to dance in each other's company, Billy was in a world of hurt.
He stood in front of his paint chipped vanity, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth while Judas Priest blasted in the background. He was spraying aqua net onto his bouncy brown curls, coercing them into perfect position when his dad began banging on the door. "Uh, I'm a little busy." Billy called out as he sprayed his musky cologne onto his chest. "Open the door." His dad paused in between every word almost like he was intentionally trying to threaten or scare his son. Billy knew that he shouldn't push his luck; within seconds he was opening the door. "What? What's wrong?"

His father crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Billy as if he were trying to call him stupid with only body language. "What do you mean 'what's wrong?" His father mocked Billy, saying 'what's wrong' in a whining childish tone. "You're sisters gone. That's what's wrong. How did you not notice her open window?" As he spoke he took his pointer finger and began drilling onto Billy's forehead, pushing Billy back closer into the wall with every tiny shove. Tiny beads of sweat began forming in Billy's hairline. He knew what was coming next and he felt like he could hardly breath. "I- I don't know. But she's thirteen now. She doesn't need a full time baby sitter, she isn't stup-"
Just as Billy began finishing his sentence his dad shoved him into the wall. Mark began yelling so intensely that little drops of spit flew out along with his harsh words. "I don't care how old she is! I tell you to watch her then you do it!" Mark gave Billy one good smack upside the head, it was so hard that his left ear started ringing. "Now you go out and find her, and if you can't, don't bother coming home until you do." Mark backed off and left his son in the corner like a wounded puppy. Susan watched the entire thing in horror but what could she do? They were all prisoners in the home and while Billy didn't care for Susan or Max, he still willingly took the brunt of the beatings.
Mark left the room first; but Susan stayed and looked at Billy, she mouthed "I'm sorry." silently at him before following her husband.
Without hesitation Billy grabbed his keys and left on a mission to find his little sister, he was going to go through anybody tonight to get her home.

He knocked on every door - sniffing out information, and flirting with every mom he met, like a bloodhound. He found Max within an hour or two; she was playing D&D in Mike Wheelers basement. Mrs. Wheeler let him in with a smile, very unaware of what was about to happen. He thunderously stomped down the basement stairs like a lumberjack. All of the kids (Mike, El, Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Max) stopped screaming out of excitement at the game that they were so lost in. A quizzical look hit all of their faces as they wondered who would be coming down the stairs that powerfully. "Max!" Billy hollered as he made the final step down the stairs, rounding the corner to see all of the kids in their dorky fantasy themed costumes. "Billy..." she gulped, eyes wild and wide like a frightened fawn. He stepped towards her with strides that were fast and long. Without hesitation he grabbed her by the wrists and yanked her towards him. She began flailing and trying to hit him; the other kids didn't know what to do besides yell at Billy and cheer Max on. But it didn't matter how much Max struggled, he whipped her over his shoulder like he was lifting a jug of milk. He stayed silent and stoic, like the Terminator, as he carried her out of the house. Billy stayed expressionless as Max kept slamming her fists down onto his back and as tears streamed down her face. All of her friends still yelling in a frenzy at Billy to let her go. Karen watched in horror as he saw the fighting hoard of kids come up the stairs behind Billy. "Mom! Tell him to let her go!" Mike cried out as Billy and Max got even closer to the front door. Billy had already explained that Max snuck out, so while she was shocked that it erupted into this dramatic scene, she also wasn't in her place to do anything about it. "Mike, sweetheart, she has to go home. This isn't Billy's fault."
And with that Billy was leaving with Max, who was still in her purple and silver cape and wizards hat, locking her in his Camaro as he took his spot in the drivers seat.
Max gave one more last look to her friends as Billy pulled out of the driveway.
"Next time you want me to take a beatin' for you like that, how about letting me know in advance?"

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