Thor smiles widely then he grabs Peter in his strong arms pulling him in for a hug and giving him a normal yet strong pat on his back. "It's good to see you too young man.", he lets go of Peter who's slightly coughing from the strong pats he gave him. Still holding on Peter in one hand and pointing at him with the other, "Was it, ant-man or bug-man?" Thor asks, brows meeting in between, a sign of needing confirmation.

"Uhh..." Peter gave him an awkward answer, "It's, Spider-Man.".

Thor's voice went of a bit louder, "Of course! Of course... I remember, it's spider man." He laughs genuinely happy to see the familiar faces in front of him. It did feel longer than it actually is, he loves Earth after all as well as its people.

"Okay, okay. As much as this kid wants to spend the whole day admiring you, he can't." Rhodey cuts the reunion short as Peter needs to go now.

"As much as I want that as well, I can't. I still need to send this kid to his parents..." Happy takes a look at his wrist watch, "right about, now."

"Parents?" Thor asks confused, he might not be in that level of closeness to this kid but he knows as much as he needed.

Happy sends sharp looks to Peter, signaling him to get moving. "Stark's..." he dramatically taps his watch with his index finger, "You wouldn't want to keep Mrs. Stark waiting.".

Rhodey nods knowingly, "Take note of that. As a busy woman, the least thing you want is to waste her time waiting.".


Steve arrived earlier than the meeting time. It's not really a problem to him if he has to wait couple of minutes for someone he's meeting, than being the one to keep someone waiting.

Slightly drumming his fingers on the cup of coffee in front of him as he lets his mind think of what to say to Sharon once she arrives. Before he could get lost deeper in his thoughts he saw a familiar figure not too far away growing closer as she puts one foot in front of another. It's Sharon. "Hi." He manages, as she is now standing right beside the empty chair in front of him.

"Hi" she greets before she pulled the chair to take her seat. She wanted to give him a peck on his cheek but it wouldn't feel right in their situation. She hasn't seen him since he and his team was on the run, over four years ago —at least to her. "I suppose you've got a lot of histories to tell." giving him a sharp look as to give weight on her words.

Steve clears his throat, he always knew Sharon is a straightforward type but experiencing it in this situation makes it feel like a blade is cutting on his flesh.

Sharon relaxes her muscles seeing how Steve felt being roasted just by her presence. "I don't mean to scare you— though I know your not." she leans back on her seat, making herself feel comfortable, "Let's not make this awkward.".

Steve smiles softly appreciating how she's still as considerate even after all that happened between them. "Thanks.".

Sharon raised an eyebrow at him, "Still doesn't mean you're off the hook Rogers."

Steve nods knowing he has a lot of explanation to tell.

Steve and Sharon shared a good amount of time dating, he even once thought maybe it's with her that he will get a life with. They were suppose to move in together but then the Accords happened and he thought maybe the world is against his happiness whatever time, decade, or future he is in. But looking back at it now, he knows its faith that brought the Accords at that moment, if not, he might not have the things he has now.

They might not have the ending he once thought they'd have but he never regretted those time he spent with her. It was nothing more but few simple dates despite their busy duties but it was enough to fill in the life he has lived so far. It wasn't intimate but it was sweet, the feelings they have for each other wasn't strong enough to pass every hurdles on the way but it was soft and beautiful. It was his first relationship after all. The only regret he had with it, was not having the closure she deserved.

When the Accord happened he never thought of how it'll affect what they have. He was so occupied of saving Bucky, stopping Zemo, his fall-out with Tony, and the split-up of the Avengers. Even after the fight he was still occupied with Bucky's choice of going under cryo, Rhodey undergoing treatment which he partly blames himself of, breaking his friends out of the raft, being on the run and being responsible of his teammates, and Natasha— Natasha whom he's been worried of ever since she let them go from the airport, she's reported to be on the run as well, he had to look for her, he has to make sure she's safe. It wasn't long when Natasha came to them. For a year and so of constant hiding, Thanos happened... then he found out Sharon was one of the dusted.

In those two years, he got a few chances to get information on her and it shows she was doing fine and still working for CIA without getting caught from helping Captain America during those times, and it was enough for him, it was all he needed, he didn't want to risk having her involved. And as days pass, he didn't realize but he moved on with time from what they had, maybe it wasn't deep enough that it flows that easy.

He felt guilty of not giving 'them' proper closure before going back in time to marry her aunt, Peggy. Not like she'll stop him from getting the life he wanted.

He dated her in a year and half, drifted apart, went freely with the flow and when he was given a chance, he went back in time to marry the woman whom he kissed once and barely —personally— known in the span of 2 years they've spent together —with all the others, fighting the war that seems no end. To marry his first love, which happens to be her aunt —the fact he already knew before time traveling. In fact he has known Sharon deeper than just the Agent 13 she is, while he has known more of Agent Carter than Peggy herself (not until he time traveled) —because back then, they were not in the situation to get to know each other deeper.

She sipped in her coffee before she comments, "First love are special, I get it..." she sets her cup on the table and shifts her weight to her side resting her arm on the arm rest of the chair, "call me crazy but I would've been less shocked if you ditched me for Natasha rather than aunt Peggy."

Steve furrowed his brows trying to see her point.

Sharon slightly shook her head, "I mean, I'm not downgrading my aunt... she's great, I look up to her." she looks him straight through his eyes, "But you really went back in time, leaving what you have worked hard to build here all these years... just to catch up again in the time you've long lost."

Steve remained silent, he can't deny the fact that she's right about it. She took a long pause before breathing in a good amount of air, "I know you've regretted having lost your original time, that you'd love to go back there but I also know how far you've come since you woke up in this time. How you grew to love the people around you, and how thankful you are you woke up in their company. When you thought you lost everything... you have them." She held his hand that is resting on the table, "And I witnessed a beautiful part of it."

After unintentionally getting separated by the events of the Accords, coming back and forth through time, they finally got to sit down and talk about them. Steve finally gave the closure Sharon deserves, though she never was really sulking for it. And the closure he needed to aid his guilt of not giving it sooner and before marrying her aunt. It wasn't surprising that neither of them shed tears, both of them have moved on from what they had already.

Steve told her details of his time travel and Sharon was not so surprised of how his time travel turned out.

"I'm happy you got the answers you need.", she says genuinely happy for him. "Now that everything is clearer to you now—"

Steve cuts her in, "I should stop messing up.".

She nods at him, "And you should get your ass moving." she adds, encouraging him to use each second wisely.

Note: I just remember how Staron didn't get a closure in the movie so I added one. I should've add it sooner because having it two years later makes Steve a coward. Forgive me.

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