a thousand details ☆🌿

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i will be typing in all lowercase because that's just the kind of gal i am

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i will be typing in all lowercase because that's just the kind of gal i am.

hello and welcome to the first installment of "That's What She Read." i really appreciate you taking the time to read what i have to say.

how things work:

i will be giving "A Thousand Details" a rating of stars. NO stars means very bad, ONE star means okay, TWO stars means it was good but not great, THREE means it was great, FOUR means fantastic, FIVE means utter perfection.

i will write a review that makes several points about the story and i will do my best to express my experience whether it be negative or positive.

like i have previously stated, i will be brutally honest in every book review i do so that when i do give positive reviews, you know it must be true and trustworthy. okay, let's get started.

a thousand details by @meganwatkins101

the story takes place in a modern day era of course and it follows theo bennett and her brother xander as they tour with a band called "Constellations." the band discovers her brother's youtube channel on which theo happens to be featured several times seeing as they are siblings. theo is mourning the loss of her twin sister, maddi, and taking off on a US tour with a boy band is apparently just what she needs to fully recover.

it's a story about loss, about healing, and about music. it's about living while you're young, falling in love, making tough calls, being in the public eye, and pouring your heart out in song. it is a very cliche plot but the writer did a splendid job of making it unique and doing her best to put her own spin on the whole boy band phenomenon.

i first read the summary of the novella. my first impression of the story, or rather my first thought when reading the description, was this: "oh another band story, how nice. let's give it a shot." so that was that. all in all, the summary is average but it caught my attention and did its job.

i did like the layout of the book as well as the graphics and the cover. the cover is unique, fun, and really displays the nature of the story. the graphics are simple and easy on the eye.

when i open a book, there's something i look for in the very first sentence. that thing is boldness. like they always say, you only get one shot at a first impression. the first sentence of "A Thousand Details" was eye catching and honest. i liked it, truly.

there were, however a few punctuation errors right off the bat but nothing a lot of people would necessarily notice. there is at least one error to every story and i understand that but i just decided to mention it. the punctuation errors every now and then do nothing to take away from the air of the story. with that being said, i'd say it was a solid first chapter.

there are 52 parts plus a recently uploaded epilogue to the book. each chapter varies between about 6 and 10 pages long so, all in all, it's a good length for a wattpad novel. by the way, congratulations to the writer on completing it very recently!

there were a few cliche phrases used that made me cringe a bit but i quickly recovered each time the writer wowed me with an amazing metaphorical sentence. there were also a couple cheesy scenes but, with a little romance involved, it's almost impossible to stay away from a little sharp cheddar.

there are moments where theo (female lead) walks into places and settings and i was disappointed by the lack of description on her surroundings. it is from her point of view so, when she first walks into the music studio for the first time, i expected that with her excitement to be there, there would have been a wandering of the eyes and a sort of awe-spired moment as she steps into this new chapter of her life.

another thing i disliked was the fact that it does have a "one month later" moment where we miss out on the whole bonding time between her, her brother, and the band. i would have loved to see those relationships really blossom and see where the foundation of friendship started. further on in the story however we do see more bonding and opening up of sorts so that makes up for it.

something i thoroughly enjoyed about the story was the dialogue. while it wasn't particularly clever and quick witted like i normally enjoy, it was very raw and realistic. i found myself thinking, "this feels like a real conversation." it had a relatable element to it. something that everyone can follow along with.

there were also a free moments that got me very excited to read on and to see what happens next. with me, that is a feat all in itself.

there were a few things that, at first, i did not think fit with the story but the more i read the more it made sense that the writer wrote it the way they did. so i now accept those plot choices.

theo is asked by dylan how her sister died and, even though she tells him, he asks yet again in chapter 11. i'm not sure if this was on purpose just to display the forgetfulness of men or it it was simply an error.

when i looked at this book and read the summary, i expected it to be exactly like every other book involving a band and a girl and her ride to fame mixed with romance and drama but, as i got further into the story, i enjoyed it more and more. it's original in a sweetly cliche way. when people can somehow make cliche and overused plots into something unique and individual, that's very impressive. i know i already mentioned that but i thought i'd reiterate that, though i think it cliche, i am a fan of cliche. i watch hallmark movies regularly after all.

theo's personal hesitation to step out into the limelight and to have her life open to everyone is refreshing. not because it hasn't happened in "band" books before but because it's not coming from a self righteous perspective but more of a logical stand point.

the ending was solid and that's pretty much all i have to say on that.

overall, "A Thousand Details" was a very enjoyable read and i do recommend that you give it a chance on a day where you want to curl up with a cup of tea.

side notes:

noah and dylan are by far my favorite.
dylan has an EXTREMELY cute habit he does when he's nervous and it was very unique and made an impression on me.

favorite quotes:

"we love our fans even though they are super crazy."

"the song, the lyrics, the people will forever be on my skin and fresh in my mind."

a thousand details:
☆☆☆ stars

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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