Book One 💋

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Once upon a lonely night, I was tired then again I was excited. My boyfriend had just gotten out of jail so I was excited for him to come home. He had just served 10 years in prison. Like any other woman would I got did up, I got my nails and toes done, got my brows waxed, I even got my hair did. Now any person that knows me, know I don’t really let anyone touch my hair especially considering it’s my real hair. So anyway, we were making up for them 10 years we both had missed out on. Someone knocking at the door, “who is it?” as I heard my baby’s voice I ran as fast as I could trying to let my boo in, hugging him so tight, just because of how much I missed him “how you been?” I asked. He then replied “A nigga been good, I been missing you” in so much awe I grabbed his face then we began to kiss, touching and feeling one another making our way to the bedroom. An hour in, we were both making love like never before, I don’t know if it was because he was gone for so long and we’ve missed each other, or if it was because we both needed it. After a long night of passionate love making and making up, Alante’ and I cuddled up and called it a night.

That morning, I woke up extra early to beat him getting up I showered then made breakfast. Eggs, bacon, grits sausage and toast with a side of orange juice.  Just how he’d liked it. “Good morning baby, that was wonderful last night” he replied as he kissed me on my cheek “Good morning beautiful, yea it was” laughing to himself. “so what do you have planned for today?”  “nothing much, I’ll probably go to the court, maybe shoot some hoops with Damien” As I made my way back to the room to get started with my day Alante shouted out “were you seeing anyone while I was locked up?” In a strange way it kinda’ hit me because it was like, sexually, yes I was. Mentally and emotionally no. But I wasn’t ready to talk about that yet so I responded “no, why you asked?” “Well I don’t want to be out here looking like no fool, but if you say no then I’m taking your word on it” we kissed then we both set off in the risen sun.

“whats up girl what you getting in to?” so I’m over at my sister’s house, meanwhile I have not been over in a while, seems like I was just always to busy. “Girl nothing, its my day off so I thought I’d just chill. Do you want to maybe go hit up a mall?” as any other female would you know I had to. “yea, I guess.” So my sister was someone I could talk to but she wasn’t always the right person to really get advice from. “girl tell me why Alante asked me if I was seeing anyone while he was in jail?” “Myia are you serious?, hell what did you say?” “now April do it look like I would tell him yea?” as we were scrolling through the mall a nobody was just that somebody I was not trying to see. “Hey Myia what’s up? You ain’t been taking my calls you good?” lord knows I wanted to ignore him but I couldn’t “I haven’t been ignoring you I just had to change my number do what I had to do, you know my dude is out of jail.” “I understand but, Alante ain’t stopping my show, when he was gone you were mine, but cause he out, what you have to change up on me?  

After a long day I couldn’t wait for Alante to get home, at least I knew if he was here with me, he was out of the laws sight. Just in time, my boo had just got home for dinner I thought all about what had taken place today at the mall. “Myia everything okay?” “yes” I replied “just had a long day, shopping tiring myself out” as we ate and sipped wine we grew tired, Alante yawned and sighed “man I’m tired let me go shower real fast” “okay bae I’ll go in right after you’re done”. Just that, was exactly what we did. Laid up in our bed we watched tv. It was still a bit early I tried to spark up conversation about what happened today. I aint gone lie, I was really scared of the outcome. Knowing Alante had just did 10 years I aint wanna bring no drama his way, especially after lying about not seeing anyone. Its now about 11:30 pm when a knock comes at the door. “Alante are you up?” I got no reply so it left me no choice but to answer the door. Honestly at this time of the night it could only be one reason a certain someone would be knocking on my door. “who is it?” I asked. And again that same voice from the mall replied. “Myia it’s me, open up girl.” I began to panic, thinking to myself how in the hell am I going to cover this up when I have my man in the room asleep. I opened the door and stepped outside to re assure Jason that there was no more me and him. “Jason, look ive told you earlier today my man has gotten out of jail so there’s no more me and you. Can you please make this your last time coming by my home, our home?” I seen in his face how pissed he were, I ain’t gone lie I was kind of hurt by it too. Jason was there for me through a lot of bad times. I had actually known him before knowing Alante.  “so you really gone do this to me Myia?” I slowly backed my way back into my home, but before doing so I kissed Jason one last time. “Goodnight”

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