Chapter 2;Dadizawa?

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Authors note; Oh, also in the first chapter, I forgot to mention that Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugo are all childhood friends,BUT you don't remember them for book writing reasons, ok?

ANYWAYS heres chapter 2, brought to you by.............


     I opened the note with great caution, like I was defusing a bomb. When I stared down at it I heard broccoli boi think, I wonder what that is... a love note? I'll have to wait. I instinctively stared at him and quickly realized my mistake. Can she read minds!? I blushed and stared at him, trying to get his attention. He turned his head, his wide green eyes staring at me. I nodded wildly, sort of messing up my gradient blue double buns. Wow... oh! I bet she heard that. I smiled a little bit and focused on the note again. It said... Pass this to blonde hedgehog (Kacchan)  I passed it to "Kacchan" At that same moment I heard my D- Mr.Aizawa's thoughts from down the hallway. Stupid kids... ugh, I HATE my job... Yochi, you etter not be spying on me you little squirt. I chuckled a little bit, enough to attract attention from Iida, Momo, Bakugo and Mina. I opened my phone and started texting my dad.


Hey dad, after school can u take me to the mall???




WHYYYYYYYYYYYY dad plzzzz!!!!




ok... life is so short....


FINE but no hanging out with any boys!


T^T thank u


Better be home by 10:00 tho!

     I put my phone in my bag and I saw my dad enter the room, immidatly seeing him looking at me, smirking as he placed his own phone in his scarf and standing at the podium.

"So class. I hope you'v met my DAUGHTER." He smiles evilly. OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZ NO  dad whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

I stood up and walked to the front of the class, ready to slap the shit head. "Wait, Mr.Aizawa, you and Yochi don't look alike!" Shouted Iida, everyone in the class agreed, nodding their heads. Except for Sparky Boom Boom Hedgehog. 

"WELL, Yochi here, died her hair lilac, grew it out, brushed until she started crying and slept all summer. That's why." Aizawa announced, giving me a unforgiving look. "Oh..." The whole class murmured EXCEPT FOR SPARKY BOOM BOOM HEDGEHOG. This is really getting on my nerves, this girl. I heard sparky boom boom think. 

I will get more on your nerves Bakugo. MUHAHAHAHA! I sat back down and pressed my two fingers together, scheming for how to get on Bakugos nerves. "Um, Yochi?" I snapped my head up and saw Ochaca Uruaka tilting her head at me. "What are your quirks?" I sweat dropped. 

"YOCHI TALK LATER," Aizawa said, putting eyedrops in his crusty dusty eyeballs. I glared at him and told Ochaca that we could talk later by giving her a nod. 

"Anyways, today we will be having a quirk ability t-" My dad was cut off by the sound of a door slamming open.

"I AM HERE, coming through the door like a normal person!"

All Might.

-Authors note-

So I changed her quirks and quirk setbacks so... here are the new quirks.

Mind reading; Just reading minds.

Hack; Ok this one is complicated, but Yochi can control computers and can "hack" into humans to do good things or bad things, for example a good thing would be healing and a bad thing would be paralysis. Also, human hacking takes up alot of her energy so she only uses it ocasionally.

Shape shifting; Yochi can only shape into animals that she connects with spiritually or phiscally.

Illusion; She can make things that only she can touch like a object, like a pencil or a fake animals like a lion. They are not real, and only she can touch them like they are real. Others hands go through them like ghosts. Yochi can make them real, but it takes a lot of energy and it gives her major quirk setbacks.

Also, she has the dadizawa scarf but it's not the same one.

Her quirk setbacks are dizzyness, confusion and occasionally passing out.


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