The Volturi Cometh

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Carlisle's POV:

After leaving Bella, we all headed to our home in Alaska, to our closest friends; the Denali clan. But after getting settled there; Edward left upset over the others thoughts. He decided that he would leave again to get away from them. I was devastated. I wanted him stay and begged him, but no; he wasn’t having it. I was losing him. I got mad at the others for while blaming them for my second lover leaving me. I knew it was wrong, but I loved him and knew when he left, I’d be lonely.

Then not even a week later, Emmett and Rosalie split up. They were fighting all the time. No one could really blame Emmett though. Rosalie wasn’t a pleasant to live with. Or be with. She was cruel to him more than not. I often wondered why he stayed with her.  I had hoped that one of them would move out away from the other.

Esme and I barely spoke. Though in my defense we weren't mated so I really didn't mind not talking about it with her. But after all these years of convenience, and sex I did owe it to her to at least put an effort in. Though, that didn’t last long after I told her about Aro. She and I had a huge blow up. And I was back to square one.

My family had fallen apart over Bella. And though I had tolerated her and grew to love her, she still was the cause. Though no one really outwardly said that. They were all cowards in that. And I have to admit being mad they didn’t complain about her. They were still mad at Edward. So I just hid in my office away from life.

But of course, I couldn't hid forever. And I knew that I would kill myself, because that would kill Aro. And I couldn't do that to my beloved.  So I closed my computer and called a family meeting at the table. It was time for everyone to move on. We were still a family and so we were going to act like it.

Alice was having a vision when I came to the table. Everyone was there. But it was the look in Alice’s eyes when she came out the vision that worried me. And I just had a feeling that this was not going to be a good meeting.

"Now that Carlisle has joined us; we can get get started. I first want to say that I'm truly sorry to everyone for not seeing Edward leaving us. It was a last minute decision on his part, but still sorry." Alice put her head down and I reached my hand to her shoulder. Edward was just to young, and we should have stopped him from the beginning of Bella and him getting involved. And we should have all made a better effort to not think things. It was then I let go of my anger.

"It really wasn't your fault Alice. I was the head of this family and I haven't acted like it recently. I'm sorry that I didn't stop Bella and Edward being together in the first place. And I know leaving was best for him, but I'll miss him too." Then I got up and hugged her. We stayed like that for while. She pulled back and I took my seat again.

"That wasn't the only thing. Aro has found out about Bella and is sending a letter, and then he will send Demetri and Alec to get us. I don't know what the punishment will be. But I know that we have call Edward home. Anyway we can. And we might be there in Volterra for a while. The letter should be here by tomorrow and the boys will be here soon after. And Carlisle, I know you are scared and worried but I promise that your mate loves you and he would never hurt you; for it would hurt him. But he will have to punish you for the sake of the law." I only hoped that was true. But my mate would be furious and there was no telling what he'd do. I knew him. I had seen him angry.

No one but apparently Alice knew I was mated with Aro, but I guess the cat was outta the bag now. So I explained to my family about my mate and why I left. They all had questions and we talked until early morning.

In the end no one was upset that I hid it from them. And it confirmed a lot for others. But Esme but I'd hope she would get over things soon and be happy knowing it's nothing she did to make things weird between us.

But my sexual orientation wasn't what I was concerned about. One how the hell was I going to get Edward here in two days, and most importantly what the fuck was Aro going to do when he got his hands on me. Knowing my mate as I do I'd be drinking human blood. I just hope I could survive this and get my love back. I guess it was time to go back home.

And the letter did come as Alice had said. I was more nervous about going than I was before. But I knew I had to do what I needed to save my family. And while everyone was packing getting ready to travel, I called Edward. Hoping one that he would pick up and two that he could hear how desperate sounding I was. I just really hoped he stayed close to us.

-------Phone call------



"Edward. I really need to you come back to us. Alice has seen Demetri and Alec coming for us. Aro sent a letter and we got it today. They know about Bella son. Please you have a day to get here. I'm not sure what will happen if you aren't. This is serious son. Victoria has bitten and abused her, Felix found her."

"Isn't there anyway we can get out of this I mean he is your mate. Can't you do anything to keep us from going there. True I'm hurting over Bella but I can't see how they would harm her. And as for punishment I'm sure you could get us out of that dad. I'm not ready to come home. And I don't want to go."

"Edward stop being a selfish prick I mean really. The girl you said you loved once has been bitten and raped and who knows what else. And you act like you don't even care. No you will come home. Or I will make sure that when Demetri finds you you are burned to ash. And for your information I am being punished to because you brought Bella in our secret. And even if I could get Aro to drop the punishment on the family; I wouldn't do it for you. You left us. Either your here by the time the boys come or consider yourself dead. Oh and Edward love I've never been your dad." I know I was harsh but he was really starting to annoy me. And I am starting to realize my hate for Bella is unjustifiable. I should be mad at Edward way more.

"Fine, I'll be there but know that I'm not doing this for you. I am very happy since I left, and I want nothing more to do with your family Carlisle. I trusted you once. I won't do it again." It hurt to hear, but I know that he still harbors hurt feelings after I stopped sleeping with him. And now looking back he used Bella as a way to get back at me. And when it didn't work he got rid of her. I was sure my mate was going to kill him.

---------End of Phone call----------

Edward did show up and was very hostile by the time Demetri and Alec showed up. With the help of Emmett and Jasper; they dismembered him. And we headed to plane bound for my beloved. Please forgive me of my sins, my love; I have missed you so.

Soulmates: The Cullens  And Volturi StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz