I love Him, but He Loves Her.

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Josie missed him. Everyone second of every day. Every time closed her eyes She saw him. He's there with his dark beautiful hair and those green blue eyes that made her tingle every time She even thought about them. He's gone and it's all her fault. She thought. I lost him. Forever.

Ever since her the four grade in elementary school Josie had liked Drew Miller. The most beautiful guy she had ever laid her eyes on. Being about 9 when she first saw him she even then knew that he'd be beautiful some day.

He was a popular football player jock who hadn't really said a word to her since elementary school so It didn't really matter. She wasn't near pretty enough for him. Being as smart as Josie was she knew better than to go fall in love.

It never lasted long. Any boy she got attached to never lasted long, eventually they would find out who she really was. A weird, ugly, not popular girl who hadn't even had her first kiss. She wished she could be like Whitney salt. She was a popular blonde cheerleader who ALL the guys loved, which Josie didn't understand. Yes she was drop dead gorgeous, se was a good student and was a peppy cheerleader. The star of the show!

She had always been like that. As long as Josie could remember all the guys always surrounded her and talked to her. Tons asked her out too. Unlike Josie who didn't really have any guys waiting in line to talk to her, Josie had always disliked whitney. Maybe it was because of her looks Or that she was popular or that all the guys loved her or MAYBE it was because Whitney was perfect at everything she does.

Unlike whitney a blonde hair blue eyes beauty queen, Josie was a blue eyed brunette. She never considered herself pretty although all her friends said she was. Her mom worked as a nurse and wasn't really around too much In between shifts and sleeping. Josie had 2 older brothers Mat and Cameron, who were 19 and 21 and didn't come home much either. Mat was 19 and always went out to parties and Cameron was 21 he didn't like the idea of having to live with his mommy anymore than Josie's mom did but with the economy the way it was going there was no way he could afford to live on his own.

The sound of her phone ringing stopped Josie's day dreaming.


"hey Josie did you hear?"

The question came from one of her best friends Paige. Josie loved Paige. They'd been friends since elementary school and knew each other inside and out. Paige was pretty. Really pretty. Not the fake and glamorous pretty that all the cheerleaders were. She was a natural pretty. She had brown straight hair that flowed down to her lower back. She was short and skinny with a fabulous figure! But she didn't like to show it off. She didn't wear much makeup either and Josie Had always admired her for that.

"Hear what?" Josie asked

"About Drew! Duhhh." Paige said in a wow your stupid voice.

" No what about him?"

"He got back together with Whitney." Paige said.

Josie's heart fell. She couldn't say she hadn't seen it coming. Though she didn't want to admit it she knew that they were a perfect couple. Whitney with her killer looks and Drew with his stud attitude that could somehow make every girl including Josie melt.

The next day at school the whole school was buzzing about the big news. Wow its like a celebrity died or something Josie thought.

Josie sat down in her seat while others around her gossiped. Their so cute together someone said. I think they'll be over in a week another said. Honestly Josie wished it wouldn't last long even though she knew she had no chance with a guy like Drew Miller so I didn't really matter.

As Drew entered the room the whispering about him quieted. Of course he has to look amazing today Josie thought. How could someone look so good in sweat pants and a basketball T-shirt? Maybe it was his amazing butt that sealed the deal. Damn was it fine.

As he sat down in his seat right across from Josie he hit one of her books and it fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry!" he said as he reached down to pick it up. "Here"

"Thanks" Josie said

"So I heard your going out with Whitney" Sam said the guy who also sit at the table with them.

"Yup!" Drew said with a sly grin in his gorgeous face.

"Wow man your so lucky!" Sam ranted

"Ya so lucky" Josie mumbled under her breathe

"What?" Drew said looking down at her

"Nothing." Josie said as she felt her face turn red

The class went on as usual. The teacher fell asleep while they watched videos on how the solar system works. Science was boring as hell.

Then finally to end the torture the bell rang and Josie grabbed her things to leave.

"Hey Josie" Drew shouted as he ran to catch up with her

"Yeah" Josie said

"I'm really sorry about hitting your book off your desk!" Drew said as he flashed his eyes at her

"oh I was totally offended! You should be seriously punished!" she said with a smile

"Haha I'm glad now you can have and evil revenge planned!" Drew said with a grin

"Oh yeah!" Josie said

"Well I gotta go but I'll talk to you later! Bye Josie" said Drew and he went toward the English classroom.

Did Drew Miller really just talk to her she thought? And he said talk to you later. She didn't even know he knew her name! With him being so popular and well her not being popular made it hard for her to believe that he actually knew her name. Maybe high school wasn't so bad after all.

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