Chapter 16: Ruined memories

Start from the beginning

"What did you do to them?!" exclaimed Lucy, raising her voice and stepping forward. Maybe i should stay out of this. This is a girl fight, after all. Who knows what they could do to my hair if i jump in!

"You're smart, right? Make guesses."

"I'm smart, yes. But smart people don't take guesses. They state the facts." replied Lucy. Oh wow, what she said was right! LOGIC.

"Ugh, that's why you should be with bad karma! HA, i won already because you're done with your little Sting. Now i can kill him." said the spirit, "Oh but wait, he's going to die anyways."

Lucy lost her patience and ran up to her, pulling out her whip. I ran up to Lucy, holding her back before she did anything reckless.

"Let go of me!"

"No, you can't win. I'm going to die anyways."

"Shut up! Who said you were going to die?! Huh? Even if she's so sure, there's always a miracle! A damn miracle! And don't think i'm standing up for you, i'm doing this because i know i will be lonely when you're gone!" she said.

Was this girl on her period of something? Just a few minutes ago, she was ready to cry enough water to challenge the Antarctic circle in its melted state, and then was about to eat my face off like she was a goddamn Titan! And now she's on my side even though she says she isn't?!

"Uh........" i said.

"And just to add to your little worries, you need me to be alive if you want the effect of the sword to disappear. I have that special ability. If i die, you lose your chance." said the spirit, waving her hand in the air.

"You're going to be dead. That's that. I am never going to use you to save a friend, we will find our own way." said Lucy.

"Little imbecile!" yelled the spirit. She ran up to Lucy, but i protected her on instinct. My kick alone was enough to push her hand away, before i flipped and did my famous 'White Dragon's Roar' on her.

Lucy stumbled back, before i caught her.

"She's going to be a tough one. Do you want to fight....or....." i asked, not really sure what to say anymore. She could say anything, she was unpredictable!

"Both of us." she said, avoiding my wide eyes and looking at her keys, "I'm just worrying about these guys."

"Try to make them...or form them or whatever you do...."

"You mean summon them? Yeah, sure." she said, doing her usual chants on her first key, Leo. The key glowed, but nothing appeared. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"I told you, they can't be summoned. I trapped them temporarily." said that annoying voice again. That spirit girl got up from the rubble, wiping blood away from her mouth.

She trapped them 'temporarily', which means that it was too much to trap them permanently. Knowing her, she would have trapped them forever but she couldn't. Lucy had a thinking face for about five seconds.

"Just because i can't pull them out, means that i'm done for." said Lucy, swiping a key around, and a bright light appeared. Out of that light, she pulled out a bow and set of glowing arrows.


She did all that technical-arrow-thingy people who can aim do. She brought her hand back, and dodged the attacks from the spirit. All the while, she kept her focus and while running, shot the arrow. It managed to graze the spirit's arm as she leaped out of the way.

"Am i needed here or nah?" i asked myself.

A loud explosion occured. The rain had put the fire out immediately, but i could see that it was a bomb sent by that other girl. It was in Lucy's direction, but it didn't touch her. She managed to escape.

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