Ch 2: facade

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Petra Pov

I woke up. There are really bright lights, light blue window curtains, and a heart monitor was beside my bed. I looked at my arm and noticed that there is a needle sticking out from my arm. That's when I realized, I was in the hospital. I turned my head and saw my girlfriend, Grace, sitting in a chair beside my bed. I reach over and tap her shoulder, and she immediately turned to look at me.

"Hey Gracie"

  "H-Hi P-Petra" she said stuttering slightly.

which was odd. Grace only stuttered when shes anxious. I hugged her, rubbing her back gently. She hugged me back, but didn't cry or shake, she just stayed there. After a while, we pulled away from the hug just as the doctor walked into my hospital room.

"Ah, I see you're awake Miss Johnson" the doctor said with a pleasant smile.

She closed the large wooden door behind her.

"Yeah, Im awake."

I replied. The doctor smiled at me.

"That's good Miss Johnson. Now how are you feeling?" She asked.

"I feel fine, just really tired and sore"

I said. "Good to hear." said the doctor.

She checked my vitals, then left the room. I turned my attention back to Grace.

"You okay Gracie?"

"Yes. Im fine." She said.

"Okay....if you say so"

The doctor came back into the room and said I'm clear to go home. So after she left my hospital room I changed out of my hospital scrubs and into my normal clothes. Then Grace and I got in her car and drove back home. I was expecting Grace to be asking me all sorts of questions but she didn't. She just stared strait ahead at the road not saying a word. I attempted to chat with her but she either gave me one word answers or just stayed silent. We finally got home and she immediately got out of the car and walked into the house. I got out of the car as well and followed her inside. I went upstairs and sat down on the couch. I looked around, wondering where Grace had gone.

Grace Pov

I got out of the car and immediately walked inside, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. I opened the front door and went into the bathroom. After locking the bathroom door I curled up into a ball and cried, soft enough so Petra couldn't hear me. I heard the front door close. At least I know Petra's inside the house. I continued to quietly sob into my arms.

Petra Pov

I got up from the couch, starting to look around the house for Grace. She has to be somewhere in the house. She wasn't in the kitchen, or the bedroom, or the game room. Maybe she's in her office? I walk upstairs to her office and try to turn the doorknob. Locked. I gently knocked on the office door.

"Gracie? Are you in there sweetie? I ask.

No response. I knock on the door again, slightly louder this time. Again no response. I sigh. She must not be in her office. I suddenly heard the bathroom door open. I quickly turn around and see Grace walking out of the bathroom. I immediately walk over to her, gently grabbing her small, fragile wrist. Grace didn't say anything, only tugged at her own wrist in an attempt to free it. I kept hold of Grace's wrist. Grace tugged at her wrist again, grunting slightly.

"Let me go petra." she said,her voice firm and almost commanding.

"Not a chance." I replied.

"Petra. Let. Go. Of. my. Wrist." Grace said, her voice a little more angrier than before.

"Not until you tell me what's upsetting you" I say, my voice a little more firm.

She finally got really angry. She yanked her wrist free.

"DON'T GRAB ME!" she yelled, anger clear in her voice.

I was taken aback by Grace's sudden outburst. She stormed off to her office, slamming the door behind her. I sighed, walking into my own office. I closed the door only halfway, just in case Grace wants to talk about what's been upsetting her. I love her and I want her to be happy. I sit down at my desk and start playing one of my favorite video games.

Grace Pov

I storm into my office and slam the door shut, hearing the lock click into place. Once I know the door is locked and I don't hear anything in the hallway, I slump down into my white fur office chair, putting my head down on the desk. I allow myself to cry softly, not wanting Petra to hear how pathetic I sound. I hated feeling like this. Weak, powerless, vulnerable,  and alone. That's the one thing I hate the most. Feeling alone. I grab my razor blade and make a few more cuts on my already scarred up arms. Thank god none of them opened and bled, because I definitely don't have enough energy to come up with an excuse as to why my arms were all cut up. I kept my head on the desk as a continued to cry. I hated practically everything. That is, everything except Petra. I could NEVER hate Petra, I loved her too much. I is my  everything. I stood up, walking up to a scale before stepping on it. After a moment the scale read 21.2 pounds. I frowned resentfully, not liking my weight. I wanted to weigh 3 pounds but i weigh 21. I got off the scale and went back to my desk and put my head back down, begining to quietly cry again.

Petra Pov

It's been nearly an hour and Grace is still in her office. I wonder what she's doing in there. Maybe doing something for work? Ugh who knows. I get up from my office chair and quietly go to Grace's office door. Making sure Grace didn't hear me. I put my ear to the door, trying listen in. That's when I heard it. Crying. It was incredibly soft, barely noticable, but I could still hear it. I kept my ear to the door, trying to figure out anything else. Nothing. Nothing but the sound of Grace quietly crying.
She's clearly upset about something.

And I'm gonna find out what it is.

Word count: 1062

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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