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Arabella had stuck to the betting shop for the most part, avoiding the streets of Small Heath as she was aware of the day. She knew that Billy Kimber would cease to exist by the end of the day whether that be referring to his business in rigging the races or literally in terms of the end of his life. 

She sat with Ada in the room holding the baby, allowing the woman to sleep as she had looked exhausted. Ada had revealed the plan of getting Freddie out of prison in order to avoid his execution. The girl had the suspicion that something may go wrong and had so worn black for the occasion. It also seemed fitting considering the day had been named Black Star Day. 

Tommy soon stormed in, frightening the girl and waking his sister. "Ada, wake up. You, the baby and Arabella go into the bull ring where there's lots of people." Polly had entered the room frantic wondering what was happening. "We've been fucking betrayed. Somebody let slip, Kimber's men are on their way here." Arabella overheard as the door to the house was closed. 

"What's happening?" Ada whispered to her as they walked through the bull ring and through another door. 

"Someone's snitched." She replied. "Kimber knows about today and he's on his way here." Ada's small gasp alerted the girl. "A've got to warn our Cass." She remembered. "A can't 'ave her gettin' caught in the crossfire." She picked up her bag. "A'll meet ya back here and if anyone asks, A've gone to ma dad's." She explained to Ada, who nodded, clinging to Karl for comfort. 

The woman rushed out of the betting shop and down Watery Lane towards her parents house. She couldn't have it on her conscience if she didn't at least warn her youngest sister of the upcoming events. She knew this would more than likely be taking place near to the Garrison, where the girls had planned to meet on Arabella's day off. 

Banging on the door, Vivian was the one to answer. Arabella wasted no time, shoving past her mother. "What do you think you're doing?" She exclaimed. 

"Not now Vivian, where's Cassie?" The sounds of footsteps approaching alerted the girl. She ignored Vivian's sour and enraged face at the 'disrespect' the girl had shown her calling her by her forename. Cassandra was stood at the top of the stairs. "A know we were meeting up later, but Katie really wants ya to braid her hair for me." 

Arabella's eyes were wide, signalling to her younger sister that this had been a lie to cover up what she needed to tell her. Cassandra nodded, grabbing her coat before running down to her sister. Her dress was purple and black, rather unknowingly fitting the occasion also. The older of the two wasted no time in grabbing her sisters hand and leaving the residence, not bothering to bid farewell to her mother as her father hadn't been in. 

Once they were far enough away from the Lee house Cassandra looked over her shoulder. "What's happening?" She inquired. 

"Somebody snitched. Billy Kimber is on his way here and it won't be pretty." She explained in a hushed voice. "A needed to know ya were safe, so A'm bringing ya back to the betting shop with Ada and me." Cassandra nodded in understanding, knowing her sister only wanted to protect her from potential danger. "More than likely, the Garrison will be where it goes down. A couldn't risk ya gettin' hurt." 

My Bella - J.ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now