"No, no, no." Harrison mumbles to himself, pressing the button on his palm again and shooting blue bolts right at Thanos' throat. The titan scoffs loudly as he throws Harrison up into the air and punches him across the planet, a purple glow surrounding the boy as he struggles to breath.

"Harry, no!" Peter yelled as his friend landed on two circles of orange light created by Doctor Strange to soften the landing. Harry laid on the ground of the planet with his eyes wide and his mouth struggling to intake any oxygen. His chest was ripped open with pain as his fingertips brushed against the material of his mask, pulling it off to reveal his flushed skin. His throat felt like it was sealed shut, like all the oxygen had been punched out of his cells.

"I got him." Tony said as he flew over to the boy, landing beside him with a soft thud.

Harrison's brain was screaming at him to breath but his chest was screaming that it hurt too much. His eyes shifted over to Iron Man as the gold and red mask was turned off, not even being able to recognize the bearded man behind it.

"Sir..." Harrison mumbled softly before his eyes rolled back into his head and his body went limp on the orange dust of Titan. All of a sudden, the freckled boy started twitching while his arms and legs remained rigid. The back of his head was pressed into the ground as his mouth hung open, small noises escaping from his throat.

"Hey, Strange I need some help! I think he's having a seizure!" Tony said as he crouched down beside Harrison and put one hand under his head to avoid him hurting himself.

"What?" Strange and Peter said at the same time as Strange tossed out his magical circles for Quill to jump on as he launched himself onto Thanos' back and planted a bomb in between his shoulder blades. Peter webbed himself over to where Harrison and Tony where, dropping to his knees beside Harrison.

"Put him on his side! He needs to be able to breathe." Strange yelled as he and Quill continued to fight Thanos.

"Okay, listen to the doctor." Tony said as he gently rolled Harrison onto his side and Peter held onto his ribcage to keep him stable. He could feel swelling under the two layers of suits between his fingertips and Harrison's skin.

Peter removed his mask as he watched Harrison's body slow down, his hazel irises starting to get bigger. The twitches were only occasional now and Harrison was able to breathe, his chest rising and falling slowly.

"Did you know he had these?" Tony asked Peter who briefly glanced up at him before looking back down at Harrison.

"No, I had no idea." The boy replied with a shaky voice and a frown etching its way onto his features.

"How's the kid doing?" Strange yelled as he continued to fight Thanos, his red cloak wrapping itself around the gauntlet to prevent Thanos from using it.

"I think it's passing." Tony replied. "Stay here with him, okay? Let's end this guy." The man turned his nanotech mask back on before leaving a stinging eyed Peter with Harry.

Flames engulfed Thanos as Iron Man flew overhead, blowing up parts of the wreckage around him. The titan yelled out in rage as he sucked all the fire into the gauntlet and aimed a beam of heat at Iron Man, hitting him dead on and sending him flying through more wreckage.

Without leaving Harrison's side, Peter shot his webs at the gauntlet and extinguished the flames just as a small spaceship crash landed onto the planet and dragged Thanos with it. The titan was buried in a pile of rubble as a woman with a blue face and made of metal jumped out of the ship. Peter turned his attention away as Harrison groaned and slowly sat up, his eyes now open and his face pale.

"Harry." Peter gasped and awkwardly went to hug the side of his best friend's body but a cry of pain filled the air before Peter could get his arms around him. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'm alive. What happened?" Harrison asked as he looked around. Iron Man was recovering from the flame attack while Doctor Strange and Quill were watching this mysterious newcomer fight Thanos, more piles of spacecraft wreckage littering the planet.

"Well...Thanos kinda...he used you as a punching bag...then you...you had a seizure." Peter mumbled out with his eyebrows turned upwards in concern.

"So that's why my ribs feel like they're all broken." Harrison said with a wince as he trailed his fingertips down the side of his torso.

"Harry, you had a seizure. Has that...how do you feel...what..." Peter was at a loss for words as his friend turned to look at him.

"That's nothing new, Peter. I just didn't tell you about it. They started when I first got to Earth." Harrison explained with a blank expression, feeling a bit guilty for not telling his friend about his condition.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I just didn't feel like it mattered. That's not who I am, and I didn't want you to think of me like it was. I'm fine, Peter, really."

"Alright. Come on, can you stand?" Peter balanced himself on the balls of his feet as he hooked one arm under Harrison's armpit and tried to pull him up. Harrison collapsed his shoulder into Peter's chest as he grabbed the red and blue sleeve of his suit, stabilizing himself against the boy who was two inches shorter than him.

"My legs are okay, I just feel like I can't breathe." Harrison mumbled as he inhaled and exhaled shallow amounts of air.

"I know. Just take it easy. You'll be okay." Peter replied as he tried to help Harrison walk, putting one foot in front of the other as the curly haired boy rested most of weight on him. Peter didn't know who he was trying to convince with his statement, but he had a feeling nothing at all was going to be okay.

 Peter didn't know who he was trying to convince with his statement, but he had a feeling nothing at all was going to be okay

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