"No, it isn't." The curly haired boy mumbled to himself before climbing down the building and tapping the circle on his suit. He turned invisible again as he ran across the road, dodging cars as they came pummeling towards him at two different directions.

"Come on, we're never gonna get there if you're this slow!" Peter yelled from a roof top, watching his best friend as he ran at just above human speed to try and catch up with him. Harrison felt something grab him by the chest and before he knew what was going on, his feet were leaving the ground. The boy let out a sudden yell of surprise as he was propelled skywards, held up by spider web. Harrison landed roughly on the rooftop, breathing heavily as he got to his feet and looked up at Peter. If looks could kill, Spider-Man would've dropped dead right there.

"Not all of us are as cool as you, Spidey. I guess I should've wished for the abilities of an insect." Harrison stated, shaking his head. Peter chuckled as he turned around, crouching slightly.

"Get on." He said as he pointed to his back. Harrison hesitated for a moment before jumping onto Peter's back, the shorter boy in red groaning as he hoisted Harrison's weight up. Peter used his shooters to wrap webbing around Harrison and himself to keep him secured to his back. Peter hopped in place for a moment to test if Harrison was attached and without giving the boy any warning, he shot a web shooter onto a lamp post and swung himself across the sky. Harrison squeezed his arms around the torso of Spider-Man and peered over his red clad shoulder with only one eye slightly open. They had left the chaotic city and were surrounded by nature as they neared the Avengers Compound. The facility was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests and a large body of water.

Before Harrison knew it, he was back on the ground and no longer tangled up in a spider's web. The boy set his feet on the pavement and pulled his grey mask off, looking up at the windowed white building before him that had a large circled A decorating the side.

"Wow," was all the boy managed to say as he gawked at the Avengers Facility. He had never seen something so extensive and appealing, even on his home planet.

"Come on, Mister Stark is inside." Peter grabbed Harrison by his elbow and led him towards the front steps of the compound. Harrison looked around at his surroundings, noticing all the other smaller buildings around that also belonged to the Avengers. Peter had his mask off and Harrison watched as the top of his messy light brown hair bounced with every foot step. A thin line of sweat kept the small curls at the back flat against his neck.

Harrison and Peter walked up the stone steps of the Avengers Compound, only to be greeted at the top by Tony Stark himself. He had just opened the door and stepped outside.

"The new suit looks good, Kid." Tony smiled as he looked the boy up and down, admiring his own work. Peter pulled his arm away as mellow as possible, trying to put a small gap between him and Harrison.

"Thank you, Mister Stark. And thanks for making it." Harrison returned the smile, trying not to be distracted by what the boy beside him was doing.

"Come on in. You walk here?" Tony asked as he led the way into the facility, not noticing the confused glance that Harrison flashed in Peter's direction because of his sudden distance.

"No, actually. We roof jumped." Harrison chuckled as he followed Mister Stark inside, holding the door for Peter.

"So the suits work well?" Tony glanced over his shoulder with a smirk as the boys followed him through the building. Harrison had no idea where they were headed, but ended up in the kitchen of the Avengers Compound. The cupboards were wooden with black counters, while the appliances were stainless steel. An entire wall was made of windows and there was a long rectangular glass table with black chairs tucked underneath it.

Guiding Light ➙ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now