Mental Breakdown

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Why am I pretending to be something I am unaware of?
Why do I feel the way that I do?
A mental capacity filled absolutely nothingness and uncertainties
A breakdown that no life may understand
Not of their ignorance
But they sit on your mind giving you the benefit of the doubt that the care
In all reality they don’t
They only care when they see you on the news saying Free them
Or better yet hanging from the wall
Or killed
When they have the tag your name with Rest in Peace
Because you are not living a life
You’re just an absent life that’s living
Breathing toxins that your body can’t afford
With all the love that’s going around
You have a poison that reaches the mountain top with the electric charges to your brain
So, when the avalanche crumbles
You have no choice but to have a mental breakdown
With the echoes that screams in silence to create just a disaster
Will never amount to the emptiness and nothingness of the way you feel
Your sexuality controls the way your mind runs
Causing you to want to recreate with anything that comes your way
Because you’re searching for a fulfillment to fill a void
Which causes a mental explosion that doesn’t match the way my body is caressed
Scared of falling in love with the evil I possess
With the spells that’s behind the eyes I pierce your skin with
Imagining a world with no life
Just darkness indulged with the abnormal realities that settles in the little particles
That keeps your body flowing
The many sparks that are disconnected from your brain
Only flowing smooth when you react to your mental breakdown
Recreating a life without such would be a possible life of perfection
Not accepting flaws
But continuing a life without
A mental breakdown.

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