Dark Corners

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My tears roll down.
I cry in dark corners.
Nobody will find me.
Nobody will care.
I cry harder realising nobody will stop me.
I choke on my tears.
Trying to muffle the sounds.
But then nobody can hear me.
The darkness is my friend.
It engulfs me in it's black hood.
Gathers me up, hides me, shields me.
From the dark cruel world.
You think I'm happy?
Look into my eyes, my scars, my memories.
You will find a broken being.
Broken, so fate could have it's fun.
Sadistic pleasure in seeing me suffer.
Why would someone look for me?
When they never knew I left
Why would someone wait for me?
When they never knew I was waiting
I back into dark corners.
That is what is best for me.
Both of us never noticed, never needed.
Waiting there for someone to find us.

If anyone asks me, what inspired me to write this poem, I will tell you bad days.

Everyone has that one moment in life when you feel lonely, even though so many people surround you. This is one such moment in my life.

Until next time

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