No Backing Down (Female Fox x Reader)

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"Come on, pony-boy, don't make me get blood on my hands," I say holding a knife to the horse's neck. He takes a shaky breath before handing over his wallet. I take a quick glance inside before removing the blade. Taking steps away, I am stopped dead in my tracks by a voice. During my stop the horse bolts. Unable to stop him, the animal escapes.

"Drop the wallet!" I turn with my hands while smirking. Fox stands in the way of my getting out of the alleyway conventionally, "Ugh. (Name), I'm getting really sick of finding you robbing people. Couldn't you have just not dropped out of the academy?"

I chuckle, "Not my style, pumpkin." She growls at being called a Halloween decoration. "You're a merc, I'm a criminal." I say smugly, "Neither of our occupations are exactly legal." Fox's grip on her gun tightens. A soft spot. "How do you get paid again? Rumor is, Starfox gets paid-not for the destruction of ships-but for confirmed hits." Now, the vulpine's hands shake.

"Shut up!" Fox glares at me, "We can do this two ways, (Name). Either you come with me or, I kick your ass." Smiling, I give a 'you already know' look. She charges at me as I just back up. When the fennec is close enough, I grab her wrists. I fall back onto the ground, purposefully, with my feet placed on her stomach. I roll backward while kicking out, sending her flying against the wall behind me. Slamming into the brick wall, Fox drops her gun and falls to the ground.

"Kick my ass, huh?" Fox growls at my cocky retort and charges again. The vulpine swings at me, I duck it. I hit her with a right hook to her abdomen. Growling in pain, she punches me in the face. I stumble back, clutching my face.

I shove my knee into her abdomen then punch her across the snout. Fox falls against a wall, I hit her with my fists over and over and over again. Her forearms are bruised from the punishment, and I can't see it but I know her stomach is too. The vulpine snarls and grabs my shoulders, digging her claws in at the same time. Fox slams her skull into mine, my senses become disoriented.

It's like I mentally blackout, but I see and feel everything. I don't have the ability to defend myself as Fox brings a hand down, then suddenly slams it into my chin for an uppercut. I don't know exactly what happened, but my jaw feels... wrong. The vulpine woman digs her paw deep in my stomach, bile slightly bubbling up in my mouth. Fox steps back then brings her boot up, and slams her heel on the back of my head. I hold the back of my head in an attempt to make it feel better.

The fennec grabs my shoulders again. Fox slams me against the wall she was just on, and before I know it, her claws are sunk into my side. I can't help but tear up from the extreme pain. She still has a mask of anger until a full second passes, then Fox looks mortified. It hurts. It hurts so bad. Crimson liquid suddenly explodes from my throat. I slump down as blood pools in my mouth. "No, no, no, no, no..." Fox looks guilty.

The reynard speaks pulls out a communicator and starts talking into it, "Falco, I need an immediate pickup. I'm at..." Her words fade out as the void takes me in. Please. Please don't let this be how I die.

Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes observe the medical equipment around. Sitting up, I notice the IV tubes in my arm and the bandages on my body. The medical gown I wear wraps loosely around me. Footsteps approach me, my eyes are greeted by an azure avian. She gives me a glare that is probably her attempt at melting with her vision. The bird opens her beak to squawk at me but Fox steps in. "Hey," Fox says failing to hide her still present guilt.

I take out the IV tubes and stand up, "Where are my clothes?" Fox blushes slightly while the bird snickers.

"Fox stripped you and is getting your clothes washed right now."

This was obviously much to Fox's chagrin, "Falco! What the hell?!" I smile at this silly display. "In the meantime, I brought these for you," Fox says while holding up Starfox jumpsuit. I take it and shoo them out of the room so I can change. After putting on some clothes, I let the two back in.

"You know we tussled pretty bad in that alley," I say narrowing my eyes. "Why am I not in jail for mugging and assault of a Cornerian saint? I should most likely be on a life sentence." Fox looks away while Falco seems confused. Guess Fox didn't tell her squad about our little fight. The vulpine speaks up.

"Because, for some dumb reason, I still care about you." Falco resigns herself from this situation and just leaves. "You became the thing I'm supposed to fight, yet I can't bring myself to do my literal job." Fox embraces me while still looking away from me. We stand still for a long while until she finally looks at me again, "Sorry for stabbing you."

"Why are you apologizing? I should be on my knees begging for mercy after I hurt you so much," I say more solemn than ever. I return the embrace while burying my face in her shoulder. I feel us moving to the cot I was laying on before. The both of us sit down, neither one letting go.

Finally, I gently push her down with hands carefully holding her wrists. I connect my lips with hers and she doesn't stop me. Our palms press against each other. My tongue slides through her lips and our tongues battle fiercely for dominance. Fox defeats me and spins us around, me laying on my back with her on top. Longing for air, we break apart only a string of saliva and our intertwined hands connecting us.

Fox lies down with her head on my chest. As if we read each other's mind, at the same time we both say, "I love you."

Female Starfox x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant