My Name

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You offered me your hand and asked for my name

I took your hand and gave you what you asked for

But as I was walking away, I thought about what I told you and what I didn't tell you

See I have so many names but I choose the hide them behind this wall of happiness

They scratch and they scream to free themselves from the prison, but that wall is almost impenetrable

But why should I hide them?

They are who I am and I should be proud

So you asked me my name and I should've told you this

My name is sad like the atmosphere in a funeral home

My name is scared and confused when I'm alone and don't understand

My name is anger when I'm not heard and my story is ignored

My name is heartbreak when I trust you with my secrets and you betray me

But wait a second, this is only the bad, let me tell you the good

My name is funny when I laugh the silly little mistakes I make

My name is beautiful when I can see past my face into my heart

My name is love when you see me spending time with my family on Christmas Eve

My name is creative when I let my imagination spill onto my paper

My name is friend when you are alone and need someone to talk to

This is who I am and don't you forget it!

Because when you forget my name I'll forget you

Because my name is Cruzi and I'm proud it belongs to me!

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