"It's Saturday."

Damn. She couldn't come up with another excuse fast enough. "Uhm..."

Lisa sighed. "You promised. C'mon! You don't have to stay for the whole thing. Come for an hour or two." And, because she knew it would work, added, "It would mean a lot to me."

It was useless, this business of arguing with Lisa. She was unrelenting whenever she really wanted something, and Jisoo felt too heavy with guilt over all of the lying to put up much resistance. "Okay, sure, I'll be there."


"Hmm," Chanyeol murmured, and looked up from his laptop. He'd arrived at Jennie's apartment nearly an hour earlier than planned and cited Chaeyoung's failed Internet connection as the reason. Jennie strongly suspected he just wanted to catch her making breakfast so he could have some. "What's a shorter way of saying 'tigress in the bedroom'?"

Jennie looked at him curiously over the kitchen counter between them. "Are you doing some kind of pornographic crossword puzzle?"

"No, I'm twittering about our sexcapades. Or is it tweeting? Twittering. Tweeting. Hmm." He shrugged. "Anyway, I seem to get an influx of followers whenever I write about sleeping with you. So you'll be happy to know we have a very healthy sex life."

"I'll be sure to note that in my diary," Jennie said dryly, and sipped her coffee.

"Granted, I'm just guessing you'd be a tigress in bed what with all those years of pent up sexual frustration. So maybe I should be asking Jisoo...?"

Jennie smiled, both at the mention of Jisoo and at Chanyeol's obvious attempt to get information out of her. "Subtle."

"Hey," Chaeyoung called from the front door, interrupting whatever Chanyeol might've said next. She walked into view seconds later. "What's new?"

"Jennie was just about to tell me about having sex with Jisoo."

Chaeyoung stared, wide-eyed. "You had sex with Jisoo?"

Jennie strongly considered not answering the question, but decided that would simply invite more pestering. "I haven't slept with Jisoo."

"Oh," Chaeyoung said, and took a seat on the empty stool beside Chanyeol. "Well, you don't want to rush into anything. It's your first time."

"You want to rush into it," Chanyeol said, closing the laptop. The sound of it snapping shut punctuated his statement. "It's your first time. Get it the hell over with. Is it 'cause you're scared you'll be really bad? I can walk you through it."

"I think I'd be a little bit more qualified to walk her through it," Chaeyoung said.

Jennie frowned at them, slightly offended. "I don't need either of you to walk me through anything. But thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Well, satisfying women can be tricky," Chanyeol said.

Chaeyoung looked at him. "Not if you know what you're doing."

"I always know what I'm doing."

"Right. Two words for you: Atlantic City."

"I was drunk and that doesn't count anyway because of the ... well, you know." Chanyeol cleared his throat and turned his attention back on Jennie. "Are you worried she's going to be into weird stuff?"

Chaeyoung grunted her agreement. "I slept with this guy once that wanted me to peel an apple while we—"

"Oh, my God! That was one time!"

"Wow," Jennie said, setting down her cup. "Okay. That's my cue to go shower."

"Wait," Chaeyoung said, her voice all business now. "The studio heads want to meet with you next week about The Bridge of Moes. The director wants to have a sit-down as well. I spoke to Irene and she said she can work it out as long as it doesn't go over three days and that you're back by Friday. Problem is the studio can only meet with you on Tuesday and the director is in New Zealand until Thursday. So do you want me to try and reschedule either of them, or are you okay with leaving late on Monday and coming back late Thursday?"

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