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3 years ago

"Get your head in the game, Paul!" My father shouted from the sidelines. I could feel every one of my senses heighten at a rate that I couldn't even describe. My brain was pounding against my skull, my chest felt heavy, my whole body was burning under my equipment. We ran the play, getting a touchdown, I bolted off the field telling my coach that I was going to be sick. I pulled off my equipment as my ribs started to break and fall into places where they didn't need to be. I pulled off my cleats and pants, shoving everything in my locker, heading out the back door. I fell to my hands and knees, my spine started to fall into irregular places as well.

My screams turned into snarls and I was off bolting into the woods. I pounced onto the deer straight ahead of me, hungrily sinking my canines into its neck. Sure it was a fawn but it filled up my stomach either way. I ate away until all there was left was fur, a blood free skeleton, and an unbothered head of the fawn that laid there. I bellowed out a howl and ran as far as my paws would take me to the top of the slope that fell over the city.

A wolf came across beside me, sitting next to me. Alpha. Alpha was imprinted in my brain once I admired the silky black fur. The wolf growled lowly once they caught me staring. I turned back and looked at them. The wolf turned back, looking straight ahead. "You're not supposed to be up here, pup." Her voice was stern and demanding. I could feel the fear that circled her aura. "I know. I just wanted to see what it's like up here." I whispered. "You'll see it soon. Your alpha fell ill and he hasn't seemed to recover. We've tried everything." Her voice cracked. Comfort her. My instincts told me what to do but I knew it wasn't the time. She closed her eyes, letting her wolf overtake her. She stood up, shaking out her fur, and started to walk away. I turned back into my wolf form and headed back to the fieldhouse. I turned back, putting all my equipment back on then sitting on the floor until my body felt stable.


"Where were you?" My father questioned me once we got home.
"I needed fresh air." I responded.
"You let the team down!" He screamed. I only looked at him after I pulled my sweatpants on. He clenched his jaw, grabbing me by the throat, pinning me back against the wall. I never struggled against his iron grip but this time it was more powerful. I squirmed, trying to breathe but I couldn't get the oxygen into my lungs. "M-Mom!" I cried out, trying to get out of his suffocating grasp. He slapped me, glaring me into my eyes, "You disappointed me."
"R-Ryan.. stop.." My mother stuttered out. He grasped my throat tighter, closing off my airway. I gasped for air as my vision started to blur. "Ryan! Stop it!" My mother grew furious with anger. She pulled him away from me, releasing me from the death grip. My body shook violently as I gasped for air. I closed my eyes, letting the tears fall from my eyes.

"Let me go. He needs to be taught a lesson." He growled. I looked at him with fear in my eyes as he came closer. He wrapped his fingers around my throat, pinning me back into the wall with a thud. My head throbbed and the tears started to spill over. "You disobeyed me tonight. You let it get to you causing you to cower and leave. How dare you make me look like a fool." He spat.

"Made you look like a fool?! My wolf was about to tear through my skin. If I shifted under those lights, everyone would've been scared! Is that what you wanted?! I did myself a favor in leaving to control myself and all you do is beat me up for leaving! I'm sorry, okay?! I didn't know that you would see me as a fucking object! I was saving myself from traumatizing innocent people!" I snapped at him as he slapped me across the face. I winced harshly then growled at him. He choked off my airway, making the growl die out, causing me to squirm and struggle for air once again.

This was an every night after a football game that my team lost. He always blamed me. I get treated like an object. It's like he's going insane. Everything starts out the same and everything ends the same. I'm either dead in the face or passed out from almost being suffocated. I always end up in my bed not remembering a thing. I should be used to it by now but I never had gotten used to it.

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