Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Sorry about the short chapter last time. I'm hoping to make it up to you guys with a longer one now.

Thx for reading!


Wade Winston Wilson was completely in love with Peter Parker-Stark, and Peter, being the idiot he is, had no idea. It was killing Wade to have to pretend to be just another annoying idiot in Peters life, but that was the only way he could be in Peters life.

Wade was up on the roof of the avengers mansion where he usually is when he has a particularly bad day. Just like today. It can't get any worse so what's the point? Wade thought. Well it got worse. Peter landed on the roof right next to Wade. "Can't bear to let me out of your sight for too long, can you, spidey?" Wade teased.

Peter groaned. "This is my spot why are to here?"

"Uh uh this is my spot. Why are you here?" Wade responded and it was. Or at least he sat there often.

Peter just sat down next to him, his leg brushing Wades. Which caused Wade to freeze and start to panic in gay.

This resulted in a bunch of random mumbled words for Wade. And a confused but slightly humorous look from Peter.

" Please repeat that would you?" Peter said with a smirk. "Shut up." Wade mumbled

Peter laughed. They at there for a while not talking to each other but in a companionable silence. "Soooo when are you going to tell me what happened to your leg?" Wade asked.

Shit Peter though. He hadn't though anyone had notcied that. "That's nothing." Peter told him.

" Liesssss!" Wade laughed. "What happened Pete?"
"Just a stupid fight." Peter said quietly.

Wade lifted an eyebrow at Peter. "Well, I mean ikindagotshotintgelegwhilefoghting." Peter mumbles to fast and quite for Wade to hear.

"What was that, Love?" Wade smirked

"Don't call me that." Peter groaned

"Then tell me what happened."

"I got shot in the leg, okay! I'm fine."

"Peter, you need to get help for that. When did it happen?" Wade questioned , concerned.

" It's nothing. Besides if my dads knew this happened I would be in soooo much trouble and they would be all fussy and wouldn't let me go on missions and it would be a mess!"

"I'll fix it up for you. I know how to do this stuff." Wade told him

Peter tried to protest but Wade just pulled out some medical stuff and Peter, berdrugly pulled up his pant leg to let Wade stich up the bullet hole.

"Well, looks like your all good." Wade says with a smile.

Peter nods. "Why are you good at stitching unhurried when you heal?" He asked

Wade chuckled "I wasn't always indestructible, spidey."

"You can't tell with how reckless you are." Peter mumbled.

" I believe I deserve a thank you?" Wade prompted.
"Thanks." Peter sighed. "I umm I gotta go. Um bye."

Peter swings off the roof extremely fast. We are not going to become friends with Wade because I will get murdered by dad and pops so just no. Not gonna happen.

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