Chapter Two

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÷A few weeks later÷

=???'s POV=

I yelped in shock when I saw Nightmare Steve after us. "Thea, Crim, you need to RUN," I said, "I'll hold him off." Thea started to protest, but the son of Red Steve grabbed her wrist and dragged her away. "Don't die, Sky!" The fire spirit shouted jokingly. I stuck my tounge out at Crim, making him laugh, then I saw the two disappear into the woods.

But before I could turn back to Nightmare Steve, ropes were tied around my wrists and a sword was against my throat. "Now," the chilling voice of Nightmare Steve whispered into my ear, "be a good boy, and you won't get hurt." He started to lead me away.

I suddenly brought my head back without warning, hitting my captor in the face. He shouted and cupped his now bleeding nose, giving me his famous death glare. I grabbed his sword and cut my binds. I started to run quickly, but the Nightmare King was faster. Before I could escape into the woods, something hard came down on my head, and I blacked out.


I walked slowly through the forest, exausted from running. I stopped and sat down to rest for a few minutes. I had actually done it. Thinking about my old friends, I burst into tears, saddened by what I had done.

Soon enough, I got ahold of myself and stood back up. It was offically morning, seeing the sun rise from the top of the hill I wad on. I smiled and sighed, then turned and kept walking north.

After awhile, I came across a small, vine covered house. It wasn't in good condition, either.

I knocked on the door. "Hello?" I asked, opening it. It looked like a fire had raged here, seeing as almost everything was burnt. I saw a picture on a dark oak table of two people smiling, a boy in red and a girl in green. There were other pictures too, some of them unable to make out though the burns.

I turned to the stairs, walking up and watching my step, when I heard faint cries. "Hello?!" I shouted, following the sound. "Help! Please" A faint male voice was heard from behind a door. I tried to open it, but it was stuck, resulting in me kicking it down. I peeked into the room, seeing two much older versions of the people in the picture downstairs.

The girl was lying on the ground, the guy kneeling next to her, both with severe burns all over their bodies. I jogged up and kneeled next to them. "What happened?" I asked. The girl was barely awake, and she hadn't even noticed me. "Th-there was a fire..." the guy told me, trying to hold back tears, "and we got c-caught up in it..."

I faced towards the girl, sudden anger flowing through me. Fires like this didn't happen naturally, and the forest outside wasn't even burned! "Do you know what caused it?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Stand back." I ordered. The guy nodded and complied, looking at the girl. "It's okay, Thea, We're saved..." he said weakly. I positioned my hands over Thea's body, concentrating my anger to my hands. They started to glow and my eyes widened in suprise

I decided not to question it as I started to move my hands above her, healing her. As soon as I was done, though, I felt excessively drained. Thea suddenly sat up and gasped. "CR-CRIM!" She shouted. "THEA!" The guy exclaimed. I saw him rush over to hug her, then I blacked out.

-flashback end-

=Lucas's POV=

I checked my bag, making sure I hadn't left any essential items behind. I had decided to venture out to the Nightmare Palace to find Light Steve first, then Sabre. Seeing that I had everything I needed, I grabbed a sword and shield and mounted Fake Lucas. The horse turned his head to look at me, causing me to laugh a bit and give him an apple.

Fake Lucas neighed happily and started making his way across the bridge to the town's gate, me on his back. Out of any name, why did Rainbow Steve have to name the horse after me? I mean, yes, we looked similar, and we joked that I was a horse, but still!

We launched into a gallop, heading torwards the portal to get me to the Nightmare Palace. After a couple of minutes, I stopped the gallop and got off, tying the reins to a tree. I fed Fake Lucas an apple, then walked up the hill, only to find the portal missing. I raised an eyebrow and searched the area to no prevail.

"Okay," I said to no-one in particular, "looks like I'm going to go find Sabre now."

=???'s POV=

"Hey. Hey, wake up. He-"

"That's enough, Rev."

"Sorry Sir!"

My eyes fluttered open, allowing me to see the two people in front of me. There was a man dressed In yellow and black, and a teenager in reversed rainbow colors. I didn't know who I was, where I was, or how or why I was there, but I was scared. I sat up and backed away, staring the two unfamiliar people down.

The man rolled his eyes and walked away, leaving me with the teenager. "Hi!" He said. I didn't blink. "I'm Reverse Steve, but you can call me Rev!"


"The guy in the yellow and black is Nightmare."



"Are you gonna speak? Or are you just gonna... wait, can you even understand me?" He asked. I continued to stay silent. He sighed and looked down, pulling something out of his pocket. He grabbed my arm, causing me to freak out and try to jerk away. "WOA, woa! Calm down!" He shouted, holding me fast. "I'm just trying to unchain you!"

That was the moment I realized I was chained down. "We were worried you'd attack us." Rev told me. The chains fell to the ground and Rev helped me up. "Thanks..." I said quietly. He smiled. "Come."

I followed him though several hallways and up a few flights of stairs to a simple room with a small bed and a single barred window overlooking the ocean. There was a desk with paper and pencils in the corner, along with a lamp and a desk chair.

"This is your new room," Rev told me, "I did the best I could to convert it. It was once a prison cell, so that's why the windows are barred, but otherwise, I think you'll like it here! Your clothes are on the bed."

I sat down on my bed as Rev stood in front of me. "Do you have a name?" He asked. I shook my head. "I don't think so... I don't remember..." I said. Rev scratched his head. "How about Skyler? Your eyes and hair- well- most of it, are sky blue!" I nodded, smiling a bit.

"...I think I like it..!"

The Sound Of Storms - The Rainbow Chronicles - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now