"I'm sure you'll find a way to track me down," she said with a tilt of her head, falling into the crowd more.

"Wait," he went to move in closer, but she was slowly getting enveloped into the herd of people.

"If the world wants us to meet again Steven. We will."

And like that, she disappeared. The last thing he saw was the Y/H/C falling down the back of the white sweater as she whipped around and vanished.

"Wait, what?" he questioned, corking an eyebrow. "How did she- My name?"

His head shot up and he tried maneuvering through people to find her again, but she was long gone. There was no chance of him catching her at this rush hour of people fleeing back home from work. She was gone just as fast as she came.


The door to the Avenger's home shut harshly, and Steve came in with an agitated and completely lost-in-thought look on his face.

Bucky was sitting on the couch watching the news when he saw the blonde march in and quickly stomp off to his room. He picked up on the energy that Steve was giving off and stood up hastily following his tempered friend.

He leaned on the doorway of his bedroom, and saw Steve running around already changed out of the jeans and into gym shorts. He was grabbing a smaller duffle bag and filling it with exercise equipment and another change of clothes. By the looks of it, he was about to punch a couple of bags through a wall. Not something too out of the ordinary.

"Wanna talk about it?" Bucky asked as he watched his friend paced back and forth across the room forgetting what he was trying to grab every two seconds.

"Talk about what?" Steve said under his breath.

"The way you marched in without so much of a 'Hey, Buck? How are you? Good? I'm doing pretty good myself, beside the fact something is completely off about my behavior.'" He paused seeing his friend send him a look. "Am I doing good so far?"

"I'm fine Bucky."

"Yeah, sure looks like it."

"I'm just going to go workout. Get out of my own head," Steve said pushing past the doorway, and marching off to the indoor gym.

"Is this about the mission? I saw you go on your little walk. Usually, that helps calm you down."

"It's not about the mission Buck. We did the job and no one got killed."

"No one got killed, but someone did get hurt, and you tend to take that on yourself every time," Bucky sighed. "You can't keep doing that Steve. It'll kill ya in the end."

"That's not it. I talked to the kid, and they said they would be fine. Should be up and about in no time," Steve gritted, pushing open the gym door.

On the mission, they had a trainee come in to assist. They got a little too in over their head and ended up with a small concussion and sprained wrist. Tried taking on too many bad guys on at once and didn't call in for backup soon enough.

Sure, Steve took some of the blame himself being the Captain of the operation and all, but in the end, what happened on his walk was more in his head than that.

"Ok, if it wasn't that, then what was it? Spill," Buck pushed, crossing his arms as they reached the room, and Steve began putting up the boxing bag that was conveniently already ready to go.

Steve took a seat as he wrapped his hands and prepared to take out his frustration and confusion on the bag in front of him.

"It's nothing Buck. Leave it alone."

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