Chapter 1

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I stay in my Ebola affected room just thinking about a better life, writing songs, and sometimes just crying. I am not a punk. Far from it, but sometimes I just need to let my anger and sadness out by crying.

Some kids drink or do drugs to express their pain, others fight like I did before I came here, and then they have people me who cry. When I just want to get away from reality I write songs, and play the guitar.

The care-take of this dump is Ms.Jackson, she's not very fond of any of us, she puts up this boogie act and it makes me want to slap the shit out of her. But I won't since she did take me in when she didn't have to.

Right now I'm sitting on my bed; scratch that my mattress trying to come up with the chorus to the song I'm writing, I have the guitar chords down just not the lyrics.

'Someone who knows all of yours flaws, doesn't impose try to control them'. I sung strumming the chords.

I kept thinking until I heard a lot of commotion downstairs probably another looker that's going to take one of us home abuse, rape, or sell us and then bring us back. I started tracing my tattoo it was small but had a big meaning to it; it was my mother's name, my mom was my everything and I was hers. My mom used to take abuse from my dad; he's not even my dad hes just a man named Michael. Every time I tried to help, she would tell me 'no'. I watch him beat her every other day, she would tell me she loved me; but that didn't help me much so I turned to drugs, drinking, and fighting.

I remember walking in the house and seeing my mom trying to fight for her life, I rushed over to to her and grabbed the phone dialing 911 or somebody who could help. An hour later while I was waiting in the wait room the doctor came out saying she didn't make it. I told the cops about Michael and he got 50 years to life in jail.

I zoned back into life and noticed I had tears running down my eyes, I got up and went all the way downstairs since there was only two bathrooms in the whole building. As I was walking I saw a tall figure surrounded by a group of girls. (Thirsty!!) They must of fixed their past issues quick because every time a man or woman come in to take a look around everybody stays silent and go into their room. I continued my little 'journey' questions running through my head, when the 'Bitch of the South' decide she had something to say.

"Look who decided to stop being a vampire and came out her room." Yasmin said. But really vampire that's what we do now? Okay..

This girl gets on my nerves she is this super skinny girl with weave that goes past her ass, and she has been trying to start stuff with me ever since I got here.

"Yep.." I said trying to move around her so I can go to the bathroom.

"Has the poor baby been crying?" Yasmin asked.

"Yeah, I have I think you need to do it also. Matter fact don't just cry, pray because you got some inner demons you need to handle." I said. Betta bitch didn't think I was brave enough to say something back.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom to cut yourself'?" Yasmin asked like I didn't just put her in her place.

I haven't cut myself since my mother funeral so that comment hit home
"Shut the fuck up and get out my face!" My other side coming out. (A/N: Okay so I'm like the good girl at school I catch attitude's of course but other than that I'm good but can anybody relate when somebody says something offense towards me or close friends and family that another side of yourself come out? Okay back to the story)

At this moment I didn't care if I got in trouble by Ms.Jackson for not behaving like a 'lady' when a looker is here.

"Whatcha gonna do about it? We all know that you're a goody-two shoes who thinks she can sing." Yasmin said.

"First of all in your words 'Your a Boss Ass Bitch' but who in the hell stills say goody-two shoes. Second I can sing my ass off are you mad that the only talent you can do is make one of your 'sugar daddies' hard in about 10 secs?" I said crossing my arms. "And I advise you to get the fuck out my face before I knock the shit out of 'Boss Ass Bitch' Yasmin."

Behind me I heard a deep chuckle and it made Yasmin move I really didn't care why she moved because of a laugh but after standing here I have to pee and wipe away my running mascara.

After I did my business in the bathroom I came out and started looking down. I don't know why but ever since I was little I always used to walk with my head down; I don't know why but it's a bad habit. As I was walking I bumped into something, I'm not exactly short so I looked up and saw August Alsina. I was trying to hold in my scream, so I gave him a quick hug and went back into my room.

That's Kimberly Smith for you the awkward girl who hugs a person and then walks off with exchanging a few words.

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