Chapter 1

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My Little Secret


They were a sacred thing for me. If I were to keep a secret from my parents, I would be kept in my house like a prisoner for life, never to see light again. And, being a prisoner as it already was, I couldn't imagine having to deal with that for life.

For years, I'd kept the promise to my parents that I would never break their rules. 

My phone went in their hands right when I walked in the front door.

I had to be home by 7 pm; no later. No studying with friends, no parties, and no school dances.

And I'd absolutely never, and I mean never, have any contact with boys. Friends with boys? No. A boyfriend? No.

If I were to ever break any of the rules, my life would be over. And I couldn't have that happen.

I knew my parents had a reason for it; their overprotective ways. It had taken them years to get pregnant with me, and once they had me they wanted nothing to happen to me.

So they made a list of rules. They pinned it to the fridge when I was just five years old and they changed it after every birthday. 

I got used to it over the years, and their happiness that I was safe and sound every day made me not complain about it.

It started out with the rules, but as I got older, the list got longer, and their expectations somehow got even worse. One misstep and it was grounded for at least three days. And probably some ear-piercing yelling until their throats were sore.

Part of me wanted to get to experience the things I wasn't allowed to do.  Everyone talked about going to parties and going to places late at night, and it was tempting to just sneak out, but I never gave in. 

The thought of hurting my parents like that scared me. And the thought of getting yelled at scared me, too.

Over the years, there had been short crushes, party invitations, turned-down study dates, and suggested late-night FaceTime calls. Every one of those things had to be locked away in the "things I want to do but never can" box in my brain.

Nobody but my best friend knew about my strict rules. Most people just thought I was an innocent girl who refused to do anything social or boy-related when in reality, my actions were against my own wishes.

Like I said before, I did get invited to parties. And when I did, they were probably the hardest things to turn down.

Like now.

"––and there will be games like beer pong and spin the bottle," one of the girls in my senior class was gushing as she gestured with her freshly-manicured hands. Her face lit up like she was remembering something. "Oh! And boys. Of course, there will be boys. Hot boys." She winked at me and my best friend Vera, who had a wistful look on her face.

I looked from Vera back to the eager girl in front of me. "We'll think about it," I said, smiling at her. "Thank you for inviting us."

"Anytime!" she exclaimed in her high-pitched, chirpy voice. 

"Yeah, thanks," Vera spoke up, her eyes going elsewhere as they filled with a dreamy look.

"Well, bye. I hope to see you guys there," the girl chirped. She turned around, her long, slick brown hair flying behind her as she spun on her heel. As she walked away, I turned back around in my seat.

I was about to pick up my sandwich when I noticed that Vera was still distracted by...the window?

"Vera, what's up with you?" I asked her, nudging her shoulder with my hand. She startled, turning back around in her seat to look at me.

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