Chapter 13: Meeting the Parents

Start from the beginning

"We understand completely," Octavia says kindly yet firmly. "By the way, is your new haircut part of you starting over?"

Sonata makes a small chuckle before she answers, "More or less. I figure if I am going to start over, maybe, I should cut my hair. Honestly, I think it looks cute."

"Yeah, I think so, too," I say. Sonata blushes nervously at that, and Octavia gives me a hard glare. I mouth to her, "I don't mean in that way!" and she scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Sorry, Tavi," Sonata quickly explains. "It's just that I don't get complimented by boys very often even when I was a siren. Dagi and Aria were the ones that got the most attention with the guys."

"It's alright," Octavia says plainly before she glares and says. "Just remember that mine's off-limits."

"Totally," Sonata says with a giggle. "Though who knows? Maybe I'll go back to Canterlot High and find a cute guy who'll forgive me and date me for me."

"You're considering going back to the school if you are freed?" I ask. "Don't get me wrong, everyone in our group will have your back without question - same with the Rainbooms, but while I'm on uneasy terms with Sunset Shimmer, I know that she didn't gain everyone else's trust right away."

"I know," Sonata says sadly. "But it's worth a try. I know it won't happen overnight, but if they forgave her, I'd like to think they'll eventually forgive me too. Though why are you unhappy with Sunset Shimmer? Doesn't everybody love her now?"

I get a little uneasy at her question that I should have expected in hindsight. Octavia doesn't hesitate to take my hand and squeeze it for comfort. I turn to her and give her an appreciative smile before I turn to Sonata and say, "Sorry, that...that's a story for another time."

"Okie dokie," she says bubbly, which makes Octavia and I chuckle.

Suddenly, we hear a ringtone coming from Octavia's pocket. She takes her phone out, looks at who is calling, and grumbles in annoyance.

"It's my mother again. I'm so sorry, could you just excuse me for just one moment?" She asks, and both Sonata and I make quick nods. She stands up and walks to the exit answering her phone and starts talking in a whispered, irritated voice. I look her curious and a little worried about what was going on between her and her mom. Respecting her privacy, I turn back to Sonata again to find her giving me a sly grin.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You two are such a loving couple," She says in a cute yet smug voice.

"Oh no, we're just together. We're not in love yet. I certainly hope we will soon, though," I explain.

Sonata tries to cover her mouth as she makes a cute girly giggle and says, "Keep telling yourself that, lover boy. You can only deny it for so long."

" offense, but what would you know?" I say back. "You've only seen us together in like what? Two separate days? You can't say for sure, just like that."

"Oh, I can tell plenty just from seeing you two together right now," She says before leaning a little closer to me with a smug smile on her face. "Come on. I know you totally loooooooooooove that girl. Admit it."

I try to think of some comeback trying to deny it. Like maybe I could explain to her how Soarin and Caramel convinced me to wait a while before I can think that I'm in love with Octavia. But while I was thinking about it, I turn to look at Octavia, and the words I was about to say died in my throat. Despite looking annoyed while talking to her mom, I couldn't help but think of all that we've done together over the past month. The talks, the movie dates, Sugarcube Corner, her concert, the kiss that made us officially a couple - it flows through my mind. It was at that moment that despite my best friends' advice, that I knew I couldn't hide it anymore.

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