the beginning

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Izukus pov
"Today is another miserable day at school" izuku said sadly he got out of bed. (By the way they are five) he brushed his teeth and went down stairs "hi dad" trying to sound happy but ha saw right through him "are you sure you want to go to school today izu if I was you I'd stay home to day izu it is okay your mother just died" he said unhappy. I know dad but I want to do to school today. I said back to him. Sigh OK if that is what you want let's go you fuzz ball he said as he ruffled my hair. As we walk to school it was silent. When we arrived we said bye to each and I walked into school unaware of what was in store for me.

Kacchans pov

Today is the day I get out of bed brush my teeth get dressed and out the door. I got to school when I got there I meet up with my friends in the class room. Hi kacchan, I turned around to face him he was short and had green hair and he was always smiling kacchan he said shaping me out of my thoughts leave me alone deku he walked off looking sad but I didn't care. After a while the teacher came in the class room and started the lesson for the day. Once the lesson ended it was time for recess and after a few minutes dekus dad came to get him. But I didn't know why he smiled and he looked at me goodbye kacchan I didn't think about the words the said to me but little did I know those words would be the last thing he said to me

Izuku POV 

As we walked out the door i said bye to kacchan when we was passing bye I say a boy with white and red hair but he looked hurt I ran up to him are you ok he look up at me and pointed to his knee. I looked to see that his knee was scrapped badly my dad had some bandages and a rag I gentaly wiped his knee he winced in pain and put the bandages on his knee there all better I said with a smile on my face thank you he said with a little hope on his face. Izu it's time to go dad said ok bye I waved to him and walked home
Little did I know to would be the last time I saw him or kacchan

Sorry if this is to short but I will try to post again but it will be a while so baii - author

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