Dialogue & other things

Start from the beginning

Some general things and personal opinions.

Some of this is opinion or preference, but you don't gotta listen. Refer back to the quote.

Try to keep it consistent with POV. By that I mean, if your story is mainly in First Person, don't randomly change to Third Person mid-way through for a paragraph.

:( Its odd, to me at least. Though in my opinion, First Person stories are strange as they are. I just don't like First Person, I have no reason other than no.

Make a clear divide when a time skip, flashback, or a perspective change happens. (Note: I use the term 'perspective ' loosely since everything I write is in third person.) Using a black line ( ____) which is multiple underscores, or even something like these. >><<, <<>>< -0-, ~~~~~. Just some things. Using triple paragraph spacing works too.

Take care of yourself ! Again, writing is for fun, don't stress yourself about chapters and getting to that word goal. If you really can't get over your writer's block and you're getting seriously upset, take a break. Go for a walk around your house, drink some water and grab some fruit. Take a nap, having a rested and fueled mind makes getting things done much easier and smoother. I don't want any of you sick because of writing stress!

Take your time. Are you always writing 400-600 word chapters and really want to making to at least 1000? It is so hard to get to that word goal because your idea was shorter than you thought? Save it, I know its hard when you just want to post it, but saving it and adding on will get you to that word goal! And plus, who said short chapters were bad?

Be descriptive, if your using 3rd Person, use that freedom to your advantage. Here's an example of improving and making it just a bit more longer for those word count achievers.


Moka flopped onto the bed. She didn't remover her clothes because she was too tired. All she did was stare up at her ceiling as the day's events player din her mind. Eventually, she fell asleep.


Moka flopped down onto her soft pink sheets, too tired to even change from her day clothes. Her body was sore from moving so much throughout the day. Eyes training the white ceiling of her bedroom, Moka ran over the days' events. Boring classes, stressing over high school applications, annoying bullies and working at the cafe. Everything was tiring. Closing her green eyes moka gave in and fell asleep.


Its a little more work for a satisfying result! I do hope these tips will help you improve you're own writing! ^^

I promise I'll update more often, but ti be perfectly honest I kinda forgot about this. Anyways, have fun writing! And as a little note, this chapter rounds out at about 1000 words. :)

Take some funny text bubbles I saw while searching for one I wanted to use. I'm sorry for the one at the top it was too funny.

 I'm sorry for the one at the top it was too funny

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