Chapter 6

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A/N ... yus it's an upload! Any takes on Christian's reaction?

Chapter 6

~ Rebekah's POV

I heard Christian take a sharp breath in before his fork clattered onto his plate like hail falling onto an old metal shed roof. It felt incredibly loud.

I felt so ashamed.

"Rebekah, please tell me you're joking." Christian sounded oddly calm. But for how long? I was dreading the public scene that was for sure to follow.

"No. I'm not. And I feel so guilty. You have to believe me. It was just... the heat of the moment". The moment those words left my mouth it felt like I was trying to convince my self more than him.

"Derek aye?" There was obviously no one else but I guess Christian had to ask. If the situation was reversed I probably would have as well. Just for that extra certainty.

No one spoke for a few seconds making the atmosphere awkward and I sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to break it. In Christian's eyes an unreadable emotion seemed to swirl. He was giving nothing away making it that much more unbearable. I couldn't decide which was better. This hollow, distant, unreadable Christian or one of him saddened and angry.

Finally he moved pulling out his wallet and indicating to the waiter for the bill. Still not a word was uttered. After pulling out a $100 note and setting it inside the cover of the bill he looked me dead in the eye.

"You and I both know you were trying to convince yourself then more than me. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though should I?" I couldn't help but interrupt.

"No Christian, it isn't like that." Who was I kidding. Even I didn't understand what I just said.

"Really? Then what was it?" I couldn't answer him. There was no answer and I would just be digging myself a deeper hole so I stayed silent. I deserved this.

"I trusted you. It was 4 days. 4 days I'm out of town and this is what happens? Is this even the first time?" Towards the end Christian's voice rose which I expected. Actually I expected him to he shouting and screaming at me. This was definitely an improvement. Or not...

Only then did it sink in what he had asked. "Of course this is the first time." Yea that really didn't make it sound better...

"I need time to think. I think we should give us a break. Rebekah, I just can't deal with this right now. With you. I have to put up with the guy every bloody week but this is just unbelievable. I never thought you were one to cheat. Guess I was wrong." Christian then turned around and walked off leaving me still sitting. The waiter then arrived asking me if I could kindly leave as there was a large line of people waiting to be served. I couldn't really blame him but at the moment I just wanted to put the blame on someone else.

Grabbing my bag I walked around the table heading for the doors when I noticed the table next to me with two ladies dining sending me disgusted scowls. Guess they heard that awful dinner.

Picking my speed I walked out hoping to catch a cab and get back to my angel. Charlie that is.

Looking down at my phone I caught the time. 8:40 pm. Wow, its nearly been two hours? Although when I think about it, it was a pretty long drive here because of the traffic and took double the time then what it should have been. What should have been a 30 min ride became a whopping 1 hr of uncomfortable silence. Well it was for me.

Waiting for any sign of a cab soon became more of a game. Derek was at home and couldn't leave Charlie. So he was out of the question. My car obviously wasn't with me and well Christian had left which was 100% understandable. But understanding wasn't getting me any closer home.

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