I called it.

"Wait," I stood up glancing at Vanessa and Summer who stood in the walkway. "Why are you leaving so early?"

She chuckled. "It's ten Y/n, I need more sleep you know," she sneakily glanced at Summer. "Since we're pregnant."

"You petty bitch." I whispered.

She smirked and kissed my cheek before walking up to Vanessa and hugging her. "Call me later?"

Vanessa nodded. "Of course, drive safe."

Jasmine smiled at Summer and walked out of the living room.

I bit my lip and looked down at the ground. We all stood there silently until we heard the front door shut.

Summer cleared her throat. "So, you're having a baby?"

I looked up at her and smiled softly. "Yup."

"Wow congrats, when did you two start dating?"

"Oh no we're not together we just um," I glanced at Vanessa who was watching the both of us closely. "Had unprotected-"

"Yeah no, I um know how babies are made." Summer let out a small chuckle.

I bit my lip and nodded. "Right."

Vanessa smirked. "Yeah?" I frowned looking at her. "Oh sorry, Quincy's calling me um, how about you two talk until I come back."



She ran out of the living room and towards the stairs.

Oh shit.

I looked at Summer who was already watching me.

Am I supposed to say something first or will she? If I do say something what would I say? I have a million questions so maybe I should ask one of those. But which one? Um, hey why'd you break my heart? Oh hey Summer, did you know how big of an asshole you are? Hm, Summer why the hell are you so sexy?

Yeah, maybe that one.

"So um-"

There was a big thump on the stairs and a groan. "I'm okay!" Vanessa yelled.

Summer laughed and slowly walked towards me. "So I wanna say thank you."

Okay, I'll ask her later I guess.

I frowned. "For?"

"Oh um, taking care of Ness." She stopped in front of me.

I shook my head. "You don't have to thank me."

She nodded. "I do, she didn't tell me what happened but I can guess and the fact that she's smiling and laughing and she doesn't look like she's been starving herself means you were really there for her so, thank you."

I slowly nodded as a million more questions ran through my head. Were you lying about not wanting me? Is there something wrong with me? Do you think I should be over you?

Did I even actually have feeling for you?

I shook my head and decided to ask a question that wouldn't trigger my insecurities. "Did you ever try and convince her to tell someone about that asshole?"

She looked down and sighed. "In the past yes, I've asked her to tell someone a bunch of times but eventually, I gave up."

I frowned. "Why would you give up?"

She looked back up at me. "Because fear became my best friend so I knew how she felt and I realized that even though it could help, pestering her to tell was just making things worse for her mentally," she walked past me and sat on the couch. "That's why I would always be around her whenever David was because I knew she wouldn't do anything so, I decided to protect her."

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