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Nam Taeha

   “Hey you! We need more drinks over here!”

The voice cried, interrupting My discussion with Go Maeri, my female co worker. Sighing and wishing this night would come to an end, I approached the table with my pen and notepad.

Ahnyeong, what can I get you?” I asked politely with a smile on my Face.

Four more bottles of this..” the figure said, raising an empty bottle for reference. “..and A night with you” he ended with a goofy grin.

Closing my notepad, I rolled my eyeballs, completely ignoring his last sentence. You'd expect me to be surprised but how do you even  fake surprise when you are used to something like this? It's Pathetic because most of them would pay more to have Virgins in bed with them. I mean, I have no problem with that, but using money to coarse someone who isn't even interested or threatening her is just terrible.

If I wanted to sleep with you, I would have offered but I do not, so why would you threaten me?

Did you not hear me?” the man asked, still addressing me. Couldn't he take a hint? I wasn't interested.

Thanks for the Offer but I am not interested” I replied politely about to take my leave, when he grabbed my arm. Okay, this again? The Old trick in the Book.

You don't have a Choice B*tch

Well that's not a very nice thing to say to a Lady.

“..If you were going to be holy with your body, you should have worked in a Cathedral” He laughed as the Company he had with him also laughed. How was that funny? That was Dry as Fudge. “Name your Price and let's secure a room”

This..” I muttered still keeping my polite face. “..Is Sexual Harassment. You could be jailed for this”

He laughed the moment, I mentioned 'harassment' like I was telling him a joke. Aish. This men never liked to listen. “Ahjussi, You are not allowed to request sex from me only drinks. Please leave me and the other girls alone while I am still being Polite, Arraseo?”

You..” he grinned, aggressively tapping my cheek. “..are you threatening me?”

No. I don't  Threaten. I only warn” I said, putting off my childish act. Okay, that's enough TaeHa, let's teach him a lesson.

Why you...” he reached forward to slap me as I avoided it by moving to the side. Without wasting much time, I use my elbow to hit him by the side of the neck as he fell on the chair.
He groaned holding his neck as I kicked him in the groin.

If no one wants to sleep with you, feel free to masturbate.

One of his friend approached me as I turned to him with a wicked smile. “Will you be the one paying?”

He raised a brow while looking conflicted. I knew he was contemplating between beating me up and letting me go but as much as I wanted to teach him a lesson too, he wasn't the one who made advances at me.

Ahjussi, I can't promise you will walk home if you dare hit me. So just pay and go home while I am still not pissed yet” I mentioned as he looked at the other guy who was drunk to even notice what happened and nodded. Taking out some money, he handed it to me while I counted it.

I'll call you a Taxi to take you all home” I Offered, immediately I finished counting the money. “Please visit again” I bowed while walking away.

Started With A Kiss 2 || Astro Fanfiction ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora