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Chapter I

(June 13, 2015 in London)

Happy birthday to me, Chris thought while he drank from his cup. His friends had abandoned him to hang with their respective families and now he found himself standing with the most single drunk people of the party. It was not like he didn't enjoy being single. He did. But he would be lying if he said, when he watched his closest friends getting married and starting families, his heart didn't clenched in pain. He wanted that. He wanted someone to spend the rest of his life with, someone to have children's with; he wanted to fall in love.

His party had gone well until he blew the candles and the alcohol started to run. Once there was alcohol in his friend's veins, the group parted ways: the married stayed together talking with or about their families and the singles drank as if the world was ending and tried to flirt with anything that moved. He had only drunk a beer before he decided that he was not in the mood for it.

"Buddy, are you okay" He asked his friend, Tom, who had just take his phone out of his blazer's pocket and was blankly staring at it. His pale friend had been happy talking about his new theatre project before his phone rang with a message.

"I need to go" Tom seemed to break out of the spell and turned towards him with a scare look before starting to run to the backdoor.

Chris considered let it go and continued to "enjoy" his party but decided against it. He'd never seen the man looking so terrified before; so he ran after him, ignoring the calls from the rest of the guests.

When he finally reached him, Tom was ready to get in his car. Chris saw his trembling hands and the way he was blinking away his tears while trying to open the car. He took the keys out of his hands.

"Get in the car... I'm driving" Chris stated opened the door for his friend. His friend didn't even question him and that was enough to scare him to the bone. The man was always asking question about one thing or another. This had to be really bad.

The car ride was in complete silence, except for the few directions Tom was giving him. Chris had a million questions but his friend was in no condition of answering them.

Fifteen minutes later, they stopped in front of a building.

"This is a Hospital, Tom" He stated once he realized where he'd parked. Tom, who stared out of the window, turned to him with an emotionless face "Is your mother hurt?" That would had explained why his friend was acting the way he was.

"No" He answered in a monotone voice. Then, out of nowhere, tears flowed down from his eyes and before he knew it, he was in a car with a sobbing mess. After two minutes of unstoppable spams, Tom said in a shaky voice "It's Victoria" He took a deep breath "She's been in an accident. They don't know what's going on"

Chris stopped. He knew that name. Victoria was Tom's best friend. He never said much about her but every time he did, he let them know she was a huge part of his world. Everyone in their circle knew about her and, even though they'd never meet her, they were very grateful that Tom had someone always on his corner.

When Tom seemed calm enough, they got out of the car. They found the whole ER front entrance surrounded by paparazzi. What the hell happened? Chris thought. Before he could start to wonder, Tom took his arm and pushed him to the other side of the building, entering unnoticed through the "only personal" door. Chris followed his friend blindly. He wasn't sure what was happening but he was not letting his friend out of his sigh.

When they arrived to reception, a secret service looking man was waiting for Tom; after a quick whispered conversation between Tom and the other man, both actors found themselves in a private waiting room with only four other people in it.

"Wait a second..." Chris said to Tom before his friend could walk to them. He recognized someone from the group "Is that Kate Middleton?"

"That's Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, Katherine. Be respectful" Tom hissed before rushing to them.

Chris stood paralyzed for what seemed like years taking everyone in. He tried to remember everything his British friends had taught him about the royalty and things started to make sense. The brown haired woman was indeed Kate Middleton in jeans and an expensive coat trying to comfort the man sitting next to her. The two men talking with Tom looked somber and very different than what he remembered from the magazines but he still recognized them: Prince William and the Queen's husband, Prince Philip. They three of them were talking like they knew each other for years. However, the one who caught his attention was the ginger beside Catherine. Prince Harry was holding his head down while silent tears fell from his eyes. If he'd had to use one word to describe him, it would be destroyed.

Chris walked a few steps and then, stopped when Tom said something to the other two men and all of them walked in his direction.

"Chris, these are their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip and the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William" Tom introduced them. He didn't know how to meet the most famous royal family, so he did what he saw Tom do when they arrived. He bowed his head a little; receiving small smiles from the Princes "Your Royal Highnesses, this is my friend Christopher. I've had a few drinks and couldn't drive here by myself. He offered to do it" It was pretty impressive seeing Tom so collected when less than ten minutes ago, he seemed broken down.

"That's quite alright, Thomas. We don't want any more accidents tonight" Prince Phillip said in a somber tone, catching Chris attention.

"May I..." He stopped. He was unsure how to question this people, but after a look from Tom he decided to risk it "May I asked what happened, sir?"

"My sister, Victoria, has been in a car accident, Christopher" Prince William answered in a low voice. The redness around his eyes was enough to let Chris understand that the man was exhausted. He remembered reading somewhere that he had recently became a father for the second time.

Chris's eyes opened wide when the realization hit him. He turned to Tom and exclaimed in a low voice "A British Princess, seriously?"

"My best friend, doesn't matter who she is except that she is my best friend, is somewhere in this hospital and I still don't know what's wrong" Tom said in an angry whisper before looking at the Princes and apologized "My apologies. My friend is a twit"

"I'm sorry...Your Royal Highnesses...I'm... I'm just surprised" Chris should probably stay quiet from now on before he messed up in front of them again.

The Princes just send him a forgiving smile but it was quickly replaced by sorrow when the redheaded Prince let a loud whimper came out.

"Harry... Harry was with her when...when the trunk collided with them" Prince William seemed to be in a trance after hearing his brother "He hasn't said much since they took her inside..."

After that, no one dared to say anything. Chris decided to sit apart from the family with Tom. His thoughts ran way too fast for him to fully understand them. However, before he could try to ask his friend, the doctor came through the door.

"Is she okay?" Chris had never seen someone get up as fast as the youngest Prince. Everyone followed after him.

"The Princess is recovering" A loud relieved sign sounded around the room. The doctor looked thought the papers on his hands "We had to operated her left arm because the fractures on her radius were causing nerve damage. We stitched up the cuts caused by the glass but we have to wait until she wakes up to assess the possible damage from the trauma in her head"

"But she's going to wake up, isn't she?" The desperation in Harry's voice made Chris feel chills down his spine, the gravity of the situation starting to dawn on him.

"She should but, as I said before, we don't know the real damage in her brain. You will be allowed inside in a few minutes" With that, the doctor turned around and left the room.

×The Princess'Captain× Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now