The key to my heart is you (moxiety story)

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Below is the draft of my RP colaboration story with a friend. We lost motivation and inspiration for the RP which the story is based on and thus it got cancelled.


Chapter 17 Heating up

Virgil walked down the street and into the forest. It was a shortcut to town that not many people knew about. He walked about half way through the forest before he stopped. His eyes were tearing up and he was shaking. He was so frustrated. So angry. And he knew he wasn't angry at Patton. He was angry with himself. For yet again shutting Patton out, for smoking, for hurting Patton. He clenched his fist and punched the nearest tree as hard as he could. Bif mistake. He pulled his hand back and held it with his other. "FUCK!" He screamed out in frustration as tears fell from his face. He stayed there for a while crying. He then whipped the tears away before continuing on his way, with red puffed eyes and bloody knuckles. Virgil didn't come home until late that night. It was 8:47 PM and it was dark outside. He stepped inside the house and took of his shoes. He felt really shitty. All he wanted was to apologize to Patton. He went around the house. Looking for his boyfriend. His eyes were still a little red and his his knuckles was wrapped in bandaids.

After the clock had passed 4pm, Patton had gone from a 'i'm and emotional wreck whos trying to calm down from a fight with my boyfriend' to ' Where the Hell are you Virgil!' and it had made Patton a huricane of worriness. He had tried to call but as usual Virgil wouldn't answer the phone which made him even more worried. He had ordered him and the others some pizza for dinner as his cooking spirit was gone do to all his worry and he was pretty sure the other sides could sence something was off. As the hours ticked by, Patton grew restless, he had sit down and cried his eyeballs out, thinking Virgil ran away and might never come back and that it was all his fault! He paced the halls of the upper floor, lost in thought as he desperatly tried to calm himself, even though he knew nothing worked at This point, he was just on the verge of breaking at This point.

Virgil scanned the lower floor but he did not find Patton. However he did find Roman in the kitchen. "Virgil! There you are! Patton is a mess he was so worried for you" Roman said as he spotted the darker sign. Virgil rubbed the back of his head. "Ye...sorry. where is he?" He asked. Roman pointed towards the stairs and Virgil took a deep breath before heading up them. He looked around the hallway when he spotted Patton. He felt the guilt boil up inside him. He rubbed the back of his head as he walked over. "Patton....i-i'm so sorry" he said. Fighting tears as they wanted to fill his eyes. He refused to cry just yet.

Patton stopped dead in his tracks, he looked up to lock eyes with Virgl and with a blink of a flash he embraced the angsty boy in a bearhug. he let the tears stream down once again, suprised at himslef for being able to cry after having cried for hours. "where have you been i'v ebeen worried sick! i thought-" he stopped his sentecne as he noticed Virgils broken wrist. "oh lord Virgil! what happen?!" Patton panicked ang grabbed Virgils wrist to inspect if it was still in one pieace.

Virgil hugged him back. So happy to be in his arms. His eyes teared up and he smiled a bit as he hugged Patton tightly. Virgil watched as Patton grabbed his hand to inspect it. He used his free hand to rubb the back of his head. A sheepish smile on his face. "I umm...I punched a tree" he chuckled awkwardly. But soon he stopped smiling and looked at Patton. "Look...I am so so sorry. I shouldn't have smoked. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you and I shouldn't have been gone for so long" he said softly. His tone full of regret. Patton kept inspecting the scraped wrist and cocked an eyebrow in confusion to Virgils words.
"What did the tree do to you?" He asked with a small chuckled, he then gave a small smile as Virgil gave his apolige
"Its okay Virgil, just know that you can talk to me okay? I'm sorry i snapped at you, you just made me worried" Patton rambled on, still holding on to the wounded wrist in his hands as he looked a Virgil with an apoligetic smile.

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