Chapter 1

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"Y/N! Your Hogwarts letter is here. Come down we're going to Diagon Alley to get the supplies."

"I'll be right there!" I called from my room. I set my book down and ran down the stairs.

"Don't run! But open it up." My mother said with a smile. I opened it and smiled.

"Thanks mom. You could have just told me I had mail." I said sarcastically.

"Are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?"

"Of course!" I said.

My mother called for my father. "Rodolphus!"

"What is it, Bella?" My father asked as he came out from the sitting room.

"It's time to take Y/N to Diagon Alley."

My father smiled at me "Oh, Y/N I can't wait for you to become of age to serve our Lord."

"There's still some time to go father." I said giggling.

"Y/N, grab the flow powder. You've done this before."

"Okay." I said. "Diagon Alley!"


"Let's get you a wand!" My mother said. I instinctively walked over to the wand shop I had passed many times anxiously waiting for my own.

"Oh yes, that is the shop!" My father said. "Go on," He ushered me in. I looked at all the wand boxes and wondered which wand would choose me.

"Hello? Ollivander?" My mother called out. An old man came from the back of the shop.

"Oh Mrs. Lestrange, Rodolphus! How wonderful it is to see you two!" He said. "I see dear Y/N finally got her letter! Let me see..." He grabbed a box and opened it. "Here. Give it a flick."

I gently flicked the wand and... oh no. Papers flew and boxes fell. We all ducked as something almost hit us. At the worst moment possible, another family came in. I recognized the man and woman to be my aunt and uncle and sweet dear cousin Draco.

"Oh, hello Narcissa!" My mother greeted, and they hugged.

"Hello to you to Bella! Oh! The two lovebirds meet again." She teased.

"Hello. Aunt Cissa." I said with a shy smile.

"Hello, Y/N. Don't be rude, say hello to your cousin and uncle."

"Hi Draco. Uncle Lucius." I said.

"Hello Y/N." Draco stated rather bluntly.

Yep, thats my cousin. The one I'm supposed to spend my entire life with...


After I had finished getting the supplies, we headed to Platform 9 and 3/4."Goodbye Y/N." My mother said as she gave me a brief hug. "Send letters alright?"

"Okay mother."

"Have fun at Hogwarts, darling." My father said. I caught one last look at my parents as I ran through the wall with my parents and boarded the train.

"Mind if I sit here?" A boy, known as Blaise Zabini, asked.

"No, not at all." I said with a smile. "I'm Y/N."

"Blaise Zabini." He said. I had recognized him in the many social gatherings our families held with the other "Sacred 28s," but I didn't know how important he was going to end up being in my life.

"So, Blaise. I've seen you around but we never talked. So tell me about yourself." I told him.

"True. True. Well, Y/N what would you like to know?" He asked.

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